A few minutes before midnight, Hassan and Hussein arrived at the front of their clan's home. The place looked like a fortress as it was surrounded by huge and thick wooden fences that had sharp, pointed tips.

Male guards were standing at the front of the gate. The guards were all dumbfounded when they saw the favored grandson of their clan's chief with a woman in his arms.

If it was Hassan that they saw carrying this woman they wouldn't have reacted the way they were now.

"By the gods,"

Some of them exclaimed. Although they couldn't see the face of this woman because Hussein used his long hair to cover her face, they could still tell that she was a foreigner because of her hair color.

Nonetheless, they were all smitten by her hair and features. Even in her injured state, she had a natural demeanor that attracted people to her.

"Young master Hussein, you have a woman in your arms." The guard in charge blurted out.