"This looks fun to you?" Emma's reply threw Alex off. "You know what, forget I asked."

The four of them on the ground sighed in unison.

"How's your hand?" Katherine voiced her concern, but with the tone, she spoke with it sounded like she wasn't concerned at all.

"Oh, I had forgotten about that. I think it's fully healed now." He touched the hand that was swollen to see if it was alright.

"Lucky you, if I get that kind of injury, without healing pills or healing a talisman, that type of injury will take at least a week to heal. But yours healed within a day." Drake muttered.

"Have you taken the miracle fruit?" Emma asked.

"Yeah," Alex sighed.

"What rank did you level up to?" Drake questioned.

"The 1st rank of the disaster realm" He replied.

"Wait? Weren't you in the 9th rank of the nascent realm when you took it?" Katherine wanted to confirm.