Al wasted no time in swallowing the poison.

"Hmmm, mint flavor. This master of ours is quite the genius." Al commented.

['What the f*ck!! Why the hell are you trying to kill me!?'] Alex shouted.

Al scooped the antidote too, and left it on his finger, in front of his mouth. Just in case the poison was more potent than his expectations. He glanced at the time interface on his skin crawler and paid attention to it.

"You realize that if I am trying to kill you then I'm attempting suicide too right?" Al pointed out the obvious.

['Who knows if you've turned suicidal!?'] Alex bellowed.

"Just be quiet for a while, I'm trying to focus on the time and also the changes in my body. Your speaking is an annoying distraction. If I don't pay attention and miss the changes, then I might have as well just committed suicide." Al demanded.