Alex did as Nana said and braced himself. He prepared himself for the pain that would assault him as soon as he exited the excepto.

Nana flashed a small smile when she saw Alex tighten his fist. 'He didn't even ask me to protect him.' She thought.

"When we are done here, once we return to the lower plain realm. I will teach you something, martial skills exclusively from my clan." She mentioned just a second before they exited the excepto.


Alex felt that same force that had been trying to pull him back to the lower plain realm, tug at him one last time, just right until he left the excepto.

Nana had stopped using her QI to shield him at the last second.


As soon as they came out, Alex crashed and rolled the floor. He couldn't control his movement because of one of the forces that were pulling at him, when he exited the excepto, it was like he was shot out of there.