It didn't take long for Al to reach the area where the 45 carriers of the Midas seed were.

When they were within Al's sight, he reduced his speed and slowed down, steadily.

Al could sense the difference between him and those carriers of the Midas seed. All of them were in realms that he couldn't match even if he added the realms of both Bobby and Klein.

When he was just a few meters away from them, he started walking slowly.

Al noticed the way that they were standing, most of them put a lot of space between their selves. Some of them stood close to each other.

['Seems like some of them are hostile to each other.'] Xander noticed.

['All of them look so… expensive'] Al commented.

['I didn't think that we would be lucky enough to garner their attention.'] Alex wondered.

He kept looking at his competition, sizing them up with his eyes.