After walking past the obsidian humanoid figure, Lex stopped and looked behind him. He saw that it was following behind him.

"Why are you following me?" He asked.

It didn't give any kind of response, it just stood still, in front of Lex as he was speaking.

"Stop following me, it's not nice to stalk," Lex added.

The humanoid shook its head at Lex.

"No? What do mean by no? Or do you agree with me?" Lex rambled.

['It does have some kind of intelligence.'] Al commented.

It nodded its head, saying yes to Lex's question. "Good, then stop following me." He turned and continued to head towards the direction that the GPS arrow was pointing at.

As he started moving, he noticed a humanoid figure still followed behind him.

Lex tried to make it stop following him, but nothing he said or did work.

['Just let it be. I don't think that it's going to harm or attack us. However, don't let your guard down.'] Al advised.