"If the purity of the blood of someone that uses a bloodstone to purify their blood is compared with the purity of the blood of someone that uses the crude way to purify theirs, and they are of the same blood level. The blood of the person that used the crude way will be the victor, it will be the purest amongst the two."

Just hearing that alone had given Alex hope and happiness. He flashed an excited smile on his face.

He was happy that he could still increase his blood level without using the bloodstone. And this technique was even more effective than using a bloodstone.

So as long as this technique was going to help Alex level up from the first level of the Blood Awakening Stage, no matter how difficult it is, he was ready to do it. Although, he still had a bit of fear in him because of his own bloodline.

He was afraid that using this technique will still help that bloodline of his improve. This fear whipped the smile off his face.