"This is new," Nana commented as she saw the thousands of swords that Xander created. "There seems to be a Dao that I cannot understand inside these lightning swords." She squinted her eyes as she continued to observe them.

['I… Xander, how did you do this?'] Alex was stunned and dumbfounded when he saw this. Unlike the unrestrained and unorganized flashes of lightning. These fleets of lightning swords were very much organized.

['Why are you always the one that does new things?'] Al was jealous that he wasn't able to make something like this yet.

The crocodiles in the water noticed the lightning swords in the sky, but they made nothing of it. After all, they had been hit by his lightning and it wasn't that effective. What they didn't know was that there were Sword Dao concepts integrated into the lightning.

Since Xander was up in the air and they couldn't fly, they resorted to shooting lightning balls at him.