"You are sure? 2 to 3 weeks?" Alex wanted to confirm. He knew that his master could change her decisions quickly.

"Yes, 2 to 3 weeks at minimum. It depends on your ability to grow. An average person in the celestial realm will use 12 days to learn what I have in mind for you. Now, if your growth is up to my expectations, then it should take 2 weeks minimum, 3 weeks maximum." Nana explained.

"What?" Alex didn't know how to react to the comparison that Nana made. He didn't like being compared with others, by others. He could it do to himself, just for reference sake.

"If your growth is slow, then it should take a month at least, or 2 months at most."

In truth, even talented individuals in the celestial realm wouldn't be able to learn what Nana wanted to teach, in 3 weeks. And here she was, trying to throw jabs at Alex's ego.

['This woman is spiteful.'] Al commented.