Milo flew and landed on Alex's shoulder.

"Oh, fuck!!! There's a huge bird on your shoulder!!" Drake reacted quickly and brought out a huge hammer from his storage. He was ready to attack the Milo bird form on Alex's shoulders.

"Relax Drake, it's just Milo," Alex revealed.

"What!! Wasn't he a cat the last time we saw him?" Drake questioned, unable to understand how a cat transformed into a huge raven.

"Yes he was, but that's not important at the moment." Alex looked at the place that they were in. They were in a valley filled with bones, cowries, and weird idols that seem to have been carved out of wood.

"Should we just take time off and head to the capital city from here, before we even begin the mission?" Drake asked.

"We can't."

"Why not?" He frowned at Alex. "If it is time you are worried about then you shouldn't be, we have enough time for the mission," Drake added.