After leaving the café, the members of the Seraphim team rented a carriage and left the vicinity of the Poduct village.

The whole journey till present had been silent. Camron, Drake, Katherine, and Gustavo were seated opposite Alex and the rest.

"Camron, can you tell me what was written in that letter that you received before leaving the academy?" Alex asked.

"Nothing much. The letter Just stated that my father wanted me home, that it was an emergency.

Now on a normal day, I wouldn't believe that such a letter was from my father. If he wanted me home he wouldn't have sent only a letter with few words.

The thing that made me respond to the letter was the seal that was at the end of the letter. That seal was unique and one of a kind, and only my father owns and has access to this seal." He replied.

"But somehow, someway, someone that doesn't care about your well-being got a hold of it and used it against you," Katherine muttered.