Alex and the rest were all taken to a cell and told that they would be questioned later. The guards placed a talisman on Alex and sealed his cultivation prowess before leaving him there.

The cell that they were thrown into only had 3 beds that were barely enough to contain a person.

"Ungrateful cunts, even after all we did in the capital city," Drake muttered.

"The school does not concern itself with the problems of the world, it's a known rule," Adrian said.

"So even if we did good, it doesn't concern them. What matters is that we broke the rules of the academy and didn't follow orders during our mission in the Poduct village." Katherine added.

"Even still, we couldn't have left Camron to die," Emma stated.

"I'm not saying that what we did was wrong, if we had a chance to redo everything I'll still pick saving Camron, only the school feels otherwise."