"Whoa!" Lex muttered when he saw the complete figure of this individual that Professor Gorr was referring to.

This person was tall, very tall, to the extent that he couldn't stand straight in the bunker if not his head would have been hitting the ceiling.

He had long brown hair that was long and thick enough to cover his eyes and ears. His arms too were long and wide, and he was wearing an overall that had been dirtied by what looked like a black liquid.

"Put that thing off and come join the rest!" Professor Gorr ordered.

Elena smiled softly at the sight of this tall man.

"Yes, Professor Gorr." The tall man sighed before turning the crystal off, subsequently making the whole bunker dark once again.

"It was… all a projection," Lex muttered. "A very realistic projection, one more realistic than the ones that we've seen in Mars. And the technology in Mars is more advance than what's here." He added.