After pondering on what Xander said about the academy knowing of the existence of the underground bunker, Lex stayed where he was when the projection ended for over 15 minutes, waiting to see if any other recording was going to come up.

He was eager to find out the results of the pill that the scientist created.

"Nothing is happening…" He muttered.

['We usually come across new recordings as we progressed deeper into the bunker, but behind these broken glass walls is just that room, and that's a dead-end.'] Alex stated.

"Maybe I should check if there are any hidden rooms around. I can use the skin crawler to do that." Lex thought.

['Sure.'] Alex replied.

Lex made a turn and was about to head to the elevator, just as he took his third step, a projection came on…

Elena rushed out of the elevator and ran towards the end of the room. "What happened!?" She questioned the nearest person there.