
Alex switched with Lex.

"Hahaha," Lex laughed silently as soon he took over, ignoring the pain and blood that was in his mouth. It was as if he liked the current state that he was in.

Vincent felt the hair on his neck stand.

Milo reappeared beside Lex. ['Throw a few punches, Milo, aim at any direction, I have a plan.'] Lex directed.

['Milo's body should be strong enough not to break apart under spatial force, right.'] Lex asked wanting to confirm before proceeding with his plan.

['Most likely, even the weapons that we got from the Dragnels could hardly put a dent on him.'] Xander replied.

['Great,'] Lex uttered with excitement.

Just as Lex directed, Milo threw random but strong punches at the air. Lex had already activated his spatial bloodline ability, creating a spatial domain where he could basically see and feel everything within the domain.