Milo flashed from his previous position and quickly appeared beside the red token. He used his mouth to take the token off the air, and to Al's surprise, it moved even if it was an illusionary object.


Milo appeared beside Al and presented the red token. It was still laid in Milo's mouth, Al wanted to confirm if it was a plus or minus that was on the token. When the token was resting in Milo's mouth, it was a plus that was on it, a plus 3.

But when Al was about to touch it, it changed to minus 3. Luckily for Al, he was quick to notice the change and retreated his hand. "This thing better not be playing with me." He said underneath his breath.

They were still close to the battle that invited them over here, and Al didn't care about that. He was focused on the red token. Whenever he retreated his hand from the token, it always changed back to plus 3, but as soon as his hand gets close to the token, it changes to a negative 3.