Cole arched a brow at Nana, taking her threat half-serious. He couldn't help but feel that she was bluffing so that he would stop bringing her disciple into their conversations. He did not understand that him doing this would only make things worse for Alex.

He already has a True Dragon as an enemy that she couldn't help him beat personally, she didn't want other people trying to run some experiments on Alex, so Nana decided to go to the extreme, even if it meant going against the higher-ups of the Claus clan.

"You spoilt child, you have no respect for your elders," Cole stated.

"This is the Claus clan, your age doesn't matter, what matters here is your strength." Nana retorted immediately.

"Oh, I am stronger and older than you, doesn't that already demand that you show me respect as per the rules of our clan!?" Claus said.