"The vessel that Lord Oduduwa created for himself to transmigrate to, he named it Ogun. The word Ogun, in our ancient language, could be translated to medicine. He gave this vessel that name because he wanted to be the one to cure people of their natural restraints. Ogun was the best out of all the vessels that he ever made. It took him several years to complete the Ogun. When everything was ready, Lord Oduduwa split a little part of his soul, this part that he took out of himself, was going to be in control of his original body as he transmigrates to the Ogun's body.

The plan itself was full proof, after transmigrating, he will retrieve the part of his soul that he split from himself and then reconnect with it. A few people were present when he was about to carry this out. The people he trusted completely, Tobi was one of them." Ola pointed out, also passing the baton to him.