"Faith energy? What is that? This is the first time that I'm hearing about this." Xiao asked. She expected to see a token appear after asking her question, but nothing happened, causing her to frown and rethink the reasons why the tokens had been appearing in this room.

Ola smiled and said; "Faith energy dates back to the epoch of Empyreans, people that are so much loved and favored by the Heavens. It is a form of energy that rarely shows up, a dynamic feeling of power that originates from the people that carries a seed of belief. In the epoch of Empyreans, only a few Kings and religious leaders were able to tap into this power, and not much of it at that. Some way, somehow, Ogun figured out how to access this form of energy, knowing well that with it, he could achieve his goals. Then his crusade to end all evil turned to a crusade to create his own religion where he reigns as the god that saves his followers from the pains and evils of this world."