Just after Carl mentioned that someone was going to come and inquire about the death of the two soldiers, a soldier in Silver armor that had the number 1999 stepped into the hall where the Princes were bickering.

"Your Highnesses," He saluted by putting a fist on his chest and bowing a bit. "An inquisitor from the Palace just arrived." The man with the number 1999 engraved on his armor, mentioned.

"Have him meet us in this parlor over here," Prince Curtis said as he pointed at the parlor he came out of. Since he was the one that deployed them, he has to be the one to give an account of what happened. If he mistakenly leaves this to his brothers, Carl especially, he would say things that Curtis didn't even do or say.

"Your Highness, with all due respect, the inquisitor said that he cannot step into the fortress. He mentioned that there is some kind of power around the fortress, if he tries to force his way in, it wouldn't end well for him." 1999 mentioned.