['Who is this, and what has this guy done to make Nana react this way from just seeing him?' Alex questioned in his mind. For reasons that he couldn't comprehend, Alex was feeling a bit jealous and it wasn't because of this person's physical appearance, but because of the reaction, he could garner from Nana.

['I don't know, but I don't like him already. Who asked him to look this good?'] Al complained. His reason for jealousy was different from Alex's own. He didn't like the fact that this man looked as handsome as he did. ['Perhaps I should pour some acid on his face and help him reconstruct it,'] Al added.

['To be able to make Nana react this way… this person shouldn't be normal. I suspect that he should be as strong as Nana or at least be in the same league as her.'] Xander chipped in.

['There's even a more exaggerated handsome guy approaching us too.'] Al blurted out.