['Was there any doubt that Emma wasn't going to win this? I mean take a look at her wristband, it shines bright with good luck. If these suckers are going to use the short stick method as a way of deciding who gets to take a token first, then Emma will be the one to benefit from it all.'] Al mentioned.

Everyone else thought about the same thing Al mentioned. It had skipped their minds that Emma was a favored one, luck is on her side.

"How about we change the method we use to decide this after everyone takes their turn in getting a token?" Camron suggested as he shook his head with a smile on his face.

"What was I expecting? A person like me is filled with bad luck, I'm never going to be lucky." Gustavo sighed, pretending to be downtrodden because he picked the longest stick, meaning that he was going to be the last to get a token.