Immediately the two sides reached a stalemate, it was as if everyone went after an opponent that matched their strength and were in a serious battle with them.


One thing that surprised the members of the Alexander team, is that none of the Dark Beings had used any of their true abilities, apart from the Dark Armor that the Dark Soldiers had on.


And they were almost certain that no other team or Solo Player received the same incentives that they received. Some of them felt that they informed the rest as it concerned the comprehensive success of this event.


"Everyone! The armor that these Dark Soldiers have on is an ability of theirs, it can absorb damage caused to the wearer and then when it's full, it will detonate, sending the accumulated damage out. Be careful and don't let it hit you. Watch out for when its Armor changes and be ready to react to it!" One of the members of the Alexander team bellowed.