Al, Alex, and Xander didn't know what Lex was thinking so much about, they were sure that it had to do with something about this event, so they left him to his own.


Xander returned his attention to the sword in his hand, feeling the excitement that came from it. it was as if the sword was guiding him, telling stories of a past it never lived, it was whispering fables of the Sword Dao to Xander.


But he couldn't pick on its words easily, nor was it speaking a language that he could understand. More accurately, the sword wasn't even speaking, it was humming. But Xander had an inkling of what he was to do for him to understand the sword better.


The more he fought using the sword, without assistance from his QI, the better he heard the humming and understood them. Just when his sword pierced through the head of the Dark Soldier, Xander heard the humming get louder.