While Xander was listening to the Dark Brigadier General ramble, he was also trying to take in the changes that had happened to his mind and soul. The veins that had enveloped the Sprout were no more as they have converged with the Sword Sprout and transformed into a form of energy. This energy was formless and pulsed like a strong beating heart.


Xander focused more on the formless energy and within it, he could sense that there was a plaza hidden. The pen in his mind had calmed down and was stagnant, resting above the formless energy. He could tell that there was some kind of connection between this formless energy and the pen. Xander realized that he could now barely achieve things that he couldn't previously do.


Also, his swords ceased to vibrate and the humming had also stopped. Xander felt as though his mind had become clearer and stronger. His perception of the world surpassed mere sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing.