"Natalia," Xander muttered, feeling relieved with her presence.


['Finally, what took her so long?'] Alex said.


Xander called out to Alex, switching with him.




"Urgh!" Alex cried out softly, feeling stings coming from his ribs. "Damn, I hate this part about switching," He muttered.


Alex looked up at Nana, noticing the rage that was evident on her face. Nana's eyes were filled with cold rage.


She darted her gaze at the two Dark Brigadier Generals, wanting to rip them apart.


"Be careful, that is another unnecessarily powerful individual," Oriak said to his comrade.


"I can tell, the cold that she brings along with her is commendable… she claims to be the master of that nuisance." The Dark Brigadier General uttered, feeling wary of Nana.