"Why don't we contact her eminence? Ask her if there are forces we should be wary of in the Plain Realms?" Another Brigadier General uttered.


This Brigadier General carried no aura around himself, in fact, it was as if he didn't exist until he spoke. He didn't have any dark armor on and his hair looked like a wet rag as they stuck to his forehead.


He looked weak, but well-spoken too.


"Only you would take such a cowardly way out," Oriak muttered.


"Her eminence wouldn't begin this stage of the plan if she wasn't sure…" Draviak uttered, pausing midsentence. "Unless she had no other choice." He turned to the weak looking General and said; "Contact her,"


"Also, we'll change our strategy. We'll have to focus on eliminating those Class-1 Bloodline Bearers first, they spell more trouble than most." Draviak ordered.