The exchange of powerful arrow shots continued to rain down on both sides, one side being the group of soldiers that Alex was a part of, and then another part being the opposition.

From where they were, it was almost impossible for them to tell whether their arrows had hit a mark, they were just aiming and shooting by tracing the trajectories of the arrow being shot at them.

After a while, the exchange of arrows stopped and everywhere turned silent.

The soldiers of the Scarlet Moon Garrison refused to believe that they had eliminated their enemies so quickly and easily. Just like there were 5000 of them, there were also 5000 enemies from the opposition's side.

In the same way that they only lost a single soldier to the barrage of arrows, they were certain that the Barbarian enemies wouldn't be faced with much harm from their arrows. The only reason the Scarlet Moon Garrison's soldiers lost a man was because they were caught unprepared.