Issue #2

Knight Corp. Labs: NYC, Manhattan

A black limousine drove down the roads of Manhattan, as the car drove left, right, and straight multiple times before it the driver could finally spot the destination in front of her. A large bright building with a large sign on the front lawn of the building reading 'Knight Corp. Armory, Genetic, and Robotics Lab'. A large wall and gate surrounded the building as the limo pulled up

The limo made a complete stop as William Knight opened the door and stepped out. "See you back at home, Elise."

Elise simply nodded from the drivers seat as William shut the car door as the limo drove away. Will walked up to the gate as he sees several individuals standing there. Two women and three men who were dressed up in army uniforms, clearly generals or high-ranking military. Will straightened his tie as he walked closer as one of the women saw him and gave him an annoyed and angry look.

The woman was around her mid 20's to early 30's, 5'8 tall, Caucasian, black straight lobs, blue eyes, wearing a black skirt suit, and holding a touchpad to her chest. She continued to glare at William as he gave her a small smile with traces of nervousness in it.

"Where were you!?" Whispered Valerie so the guests wouldn't have been able to hear her as Will continued to walk closer as he mouthed his response.

"I was caught up in a few... unforeseen work I needed to complete..." Valerie continued to give him a vexed expression as William spoke up.

"Hello and welcome everyone to Knight Labs. Where Knight Corp. develops the latest breakthroughs on cutting-edge technology, weaponry, and genetics." Said Will as he walked up to the three military personnel and started shaking each of their hands. Many of them being men around their mid 60's to 70's as William shook the hand of General Earnest Powers who was a well-built man for his old age of being around his mid 50's with buzzcut white hair and two scars on his left cheek.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, gentlemen. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to come here personally to see what our scientists have been making for the world of tomorrow." Said William as he finished shaking the general's hand.

"Of course, Mister Knight. The pleasure is all mine, even though you might've been a bit late, your company has been providing the military with the latest hardware of warfare to protect our country for the past 50 years. Why would I not come out here?" Said Earnest as William smiled and nodded.

"I was just caught up in some work I needed to take care of, but don't worry. I'm not intending to miss any more appointments I have scheduled." Said Will with a confident smile.

"Actually, Mister Knight, you missed your 12:00 meeting earlier today with several investors." Said Valarie as she burst Will's bubble as Will developed a nervous smile with all the military looking at him with uncertainty. Will just laughed a bit and coughed before looking over at Valarie as he covered his mouth as he whispered to her.

"Why didn't you tell me over the phone then?" Asked Will.

"You hung up before I could tell you." Said Valarie casually as she continued to type away at her touch screen as Will faced the generals again.

"Anyway, gentlemen, I'd like you all to meet Ashley Voss over here." Said Will as she gestured to the second woman who was standing near the gate as she smiled at the military personnel. "Doctor Voss here is are head scientist and has a masters degree in several fields of biology, engineering, robotics, chemistry, bio-engineering, and more."

The female scientist smiled at the military personnel as she shook each of their hands and spoke. "Nice to meet you gentlemen, and welcome."

Ashley was around her late 20's, pale skin, brown hair long layers hair, 5'6 tall, brown eyes, and in a white scientists uniform. She grabbed the keycard around her neck as she lifted it up and pressed it against the panel besides the two electronic doors to the gate.


The gates opened up as the group walked forward. "This way gentlemen." Said Ashley as she led the group into the laboratory. After opening the next electronic door with here keycard the group finally made their way into the building. The interior of the building looked incredibly nice with high ceilings, several stair cases, multiple floors of windows, several rooms with windows around them that showed scientists working on robotics, looking through microscopes, mixing chemicals, and more as the group continued to walk through.

"I can't really thank you enough for your contributions to the U.S. Military, Mister Knight. Of course the military has contracts with many other weapons manufacturing companies out there, but there I can't think of any other industry out there who develops the types of groundbreaking hardware and software developments that Knight Corp does. Your doing your country proud, Mister Knight. But of course... that's part of the nature of war, being one step ahead of our enemy. No matter how you cut it, victory is all that matters in the end. Even if a few brave souls must sacrifice their lives for... the greater good." Said General Powers who was walking beside William.

"It's no problem, General. Our goal here in Knight Corp. is to develop technology to advance the future into a new age of prosperity and peace. But don't thank me for these advancements, thank our lead scientist Doctor Voss. With out her impressive intellect and expertise, our technology wouldn't be as nearly developed and as state of the art as it is now." Said William.

"Hehehe, don't flatter me Mister Knight, I'm blushing." Joked Voss.

"How about I add to what Mister Knight said? We strive to develop state of the art weapons and technology to advance and help humanity. We even develop weapons and technology that you would think to be nothing but science fiction. I assure you General, the technology and weapons we develop here will change the art of war forever and practically assure victory for our troops. Not to mention developing drones the size of condors that are capable of wiping out an entire city with their amazing AI, armor, and equipped firearms and explosives. We've developed rifles capable of projecting bolts of highly charged bolts of electricity that is capable of destroying a whole building, weapons capable of projecting currents of air at beyond supersonic speeds that can take down aircraft's, exoskeleton battle armor that provides super strength, flight, and durability. And that's not all General Powers... we have so much more..." Said Doctor Voss as she went on about the new weapons and inventions she and her fellow scientists were developing as General Powers and the other two high-ranking military personnel to listen in with key interest.

As Voss continued to inform the generals about all Knight Corps. new experiments, William himself drifted to the back of the group as he and Valarie started to whisper to one another. And to make sure Doctor Voss nor the generals hear William's and Valarie's conversation.

"What's the problem this time? Are you going to say you have a stomach ache to skip out on this military contract? What's with the uncomfortable face your making?" Whispered Valarie.

"I don't trust him... He just doesn't seem right, with his talks about war like it's nothing but a game. He probably sees his men as nothing but pawns... sorry to sound so judgmental but I've met men like him before, and all they care about was getting their way no matter what..." Said William.

"I know he might seem rough around the edges, but we're a manufacturing company, not an ethics center. I don't like him very much either but he's a general, it's still his job. I don't like the idea of selling weapons that could fall into the wrong hands, but he's still done nothing wrong." Replied Valarie.

"Anything confirmed. With all of those horrid rumors about him. About experimentation on Overhumans to create super soldiers, and all those accused war crimes..." Said Will.

"Yes, ACCUSED. That's it, you can't base all your decisions on how to run your company on accusations alone. All that's confirmed about him is that he is an accomplished general who won two purple hearts in battle. I'm not a big fan of him either, but with this contract it could be a massive benefit to all the workers we have. You know... the ones with families." Said Valarie.

"Yes, he was accused. But the charges were dropped since some of the witnesses went "missing". I'm not happy with it..." Said William.

"What's the difference? Your never happy." Joked Valarie a bit as William gave her an annoyed glance.

"Look, it's not a kidney stone. We did all the research we could on General Powers and his associates, all we can do now is swallow our suspicions and focus on getting this military contract." Finished Valarie as the group walked to the end of the hall way where they all stood in front of a large pair of metal doors as Doctor Voss used her key card once more as she scanned the panel, opening the massive electronic doors.

The group then walked into the main lab of the building as the group looked around to see aircraft's, armored vehicles, several large pieces of machinery that were incomplete and being worked on, what appeared to be incomplete battle mechs, flight gear, tons of pieces of equipment, and more with a sea of scientists working around them. The group kept walking as William ended up walking besides General Powers once more.

"This is all very impressive, Mister Knight. Your technology and scientists are some of the most brilliant I have ever seen. And will sure help me in my endeavors..." Said Powers.

"Well, I'm glad your happy with my gallery, General." Said William as he forced a smile.

"I'm sure glad we have you on our side. With everything that's out there in the world, thievery, violence, terrorism, corruption, tyranny, and more, we will need weapons and tools like this more then ever in order to keep the world in check. And make sure nobody has more power then the good ol' U.S.A. I've even heard your planning on helping out the local law enforcement with your technology, now a days the army and local law enforcement can use these weapons now more then ever. Especially with all those OverHuman freaks of nature popping up all over the world... With some of them honestly believing to put the law into their own hands like the goddamn west! Like that Dragon freak in NYC..." Rambled General Powers as William gave another forced smile.

"Well, anyone who gets in a suit of armor and transforms into a lizard to fight crime is definitely nutty in my books. But, still a bit noble if you ask me." Replied William.

"At least we agree on that. I swear each and every day the world gets more dangerous, there are those Metahuman freaks, criminals, and madmen with more deadly weaponry, even crazy cases with rogue machines and even actual space aliens... This is all a bad omen, we need to arm ourselves and become active about all these new threats before something very bad happens... who says there won't be a Metahuman in the future who can create nuclear explosions? Or maybe a terrorist got a hold of a weapon that could light up the Earth's atmosphere like a Christmas tree and kill all life on Earth? We need to be as prepared as we can for these things and make the big decisions that no one else can... All for the greater good of all of us." Said General Powers as William continued to bite his tongue and keep on a happy face for this potential costumer.

"And for you to keep your parents memories and legacies alive and healthy through the rigorous management of this company. I can't even imagine how horrible it was to loose your parents at that young of an age, it must've been truly crippling and unimaginably painful to experience. And after all they did to help build this company up and this city... just awful. I've met them years ago, just like you and me, how they wanted to help out the world. They knew what to sacrifice for the greater good and knew which hands to shake... I'm sure helping me keep the world safe by any means, is exactly what they would've wanted." Said General Powers as William just kept that same fake smile as he nodded at the general, keeping his right hand behind his back as it was balled into a tight fist. Shaking a bit uncontrollably out of anger. But as William was about to say something, unsure yet if he was going to continue his act or finally tell General Powers off, Doctor Voss spoke up as Will was saved by the bell.

"If you gentlemen will please take a look over here, you can see our new state of the art flight suit. The TB-004." Said Doctor Voss as she pointed out a suit of white armor on display with a pair of robotic wings behind it.

"The armor provides enhanced strength, speed, durability, and flight with the suit being able to fly at speeds of Mach 3 or faster. Only three models were ever made with the other two being locked in storage. We even plan to adapt heightened camouflage and install Wavers, devices developed to control sound waves, and make the soldier inside the armor as quiet as a mouse or create blasts of noise that can define enemies and even damage building structures." Said Voss as she gestured to the suit on display as Powers cracked a smile.

"That's very interesting Doctor Voss, but neither the suit nor any of the other weapons you've developed is what I'm here for. I'm here for a machine I've heard you've been developing, a machine that's locked up tight in this very lab. And I'm interested in it." Said General Powers as William, Ashley, and all the scientists nearby stopped and looked at Powers with wide eyes.

"Umm, I'm not quite sure what your talking about General Powers. Whatever you've heard of, is more then likely nothing then a rumor. Now, how about we move on as I-" Doctor Voss was interrupted yet again.

"The Weather Machine. The Tempest Maker-3, nicknamed "Zeus". From what my sources tell me, you've stopped developing the machine because of a few little fears that the Tempest Maker is too dangerous. I know it's in your highly secure vault, I want to see it." Said General Powers as William and Doctor Voss glanced at each other with concerned looks as Valarie was looking at both of them in confusion.

"I'm sorry General, what are you talking about?" Asked Valarie as Powers cracked a smile.

"The Tempest Maker-3 is a machine designed to control the weather itself. It can cause flooding, heavy rain, dangerous wind speeds, create uncontrollable bolts of lightning, and even use it to make it rain toxic material over enemies to poison the air, soil, and water forever. And unfortunately, the dangerous possibilities are endless. It can kill an entire small nation..." Said Willaim as he trailed off.

"But, we realized how dangerous a weapon like that can be as we left it incomplete and locked it up so nobody can use it." Said Doctor Voss.

"Yet, you didn't destroy it. It's just incomplete and locked up, a simple completion of the machine should allow it for use." Said General Powers with a smile on his face.

"Do you think we're going to allow that weapon to be used?" Asked William in an affirmative voice.

"At first, no. But I assure you, if you complete the machine and allow the military to take possession of it, I will talk to my higher ups and make sure to triple the original amount that the military contract first agreed to. You will become the prime benefactor to the U.S. Army and make sure to do more business with Knight Corp. in the future." Said General Powers as William dropped the act and gave him a suspicious look.

"General Powers, the Tempest Maker-3 was incomplete and locked up in a vault because of the destructive capabilities of it. The machine won't be used by anyone. From the very few tests conducted, we've determined that the Tempest is far to dangerous to be used by anyone. So we deconstructed it to a point of a state of disrepair and left it in the vault to keep everyone safe. The machine will not be used by anyone." Said William in an official voice as General Powers stared to grow visibly upset.

"I don't think you quite understand the particular situation here, Mister Knight. Te military is willing to offer you and your company the deal of a lifetime, not only that you will also be one of the main suppliers of the U.S. Army. That weather machine is only a small price to pay for a deal this great, think of the battles we might win, think of how we might be able to save lives, just think about it long and hard, Mister Knight. I want you to think VERY carefully about your next answer..." Said General Powers in a bit of a threatening tone.

"No. That isn't going to happen." Said William as General Powers sighed in annoyance.

"That's disappointing indeed, well, I suppose we have no other choice then to confiscate that weapon with force." Said General Powers as William, Voss, Valarie's, and all the scientists surrounding the group's eyes all widened.

"What do you mean confiscate?" Asked William.

"I mean, since you didn't want to hand over a weapon of that destructive capabilities over to the U.S. Army and the government, I suppose we have to take it by force. You are right Mister Knight, nobody should have a machine that powerful, especially not a weapons manufacturing corporation that secretly hides dangerous weapons away from the U.S. government. If you weren't going to hand it over to the U.S. government, then who than? A doomsday cult? A terrorist organization? A foreign power? Like it or not, that weapon is now property of the U.S. Army. And there isn't anything you can do about it Mister Knight. Also, consider the military contract with the U.S. Army gone." Said General Powers with a mocking smile as many of the scientist around the group gave each other worried glances.

"No, that is not going to happen. Your stepping out of lines, General. Mister Knight and I already know what your going to use that weather machine for. Your overstepping your boundaries, I assure you, when we talk to your superiors about how your stealing from one of the military's prime benefactors over a machine that for all you know is completely broken, how do you believe they will react? You have no jurisdiction here, General. And if you have a problem with that, I'll be happy to contact Mister Knight's army of lawyers." Said Valarie as she stepped forward typed away on her Touchpad.

"... Your making a BIG mistake here, you don't have the right to possess a weapon of that magni-"


Everyone stopped what they were doing as they looked back over to the entrance of the main lab where a big smoking hole was at where the twin doors originally were. Soon a whole swarm of men in black suits and armor with guns ran in as they started firing their guns into the air, causing all the scientists nearby to drop what they were doing and hide behind machines and equipment.


Several tried to run as many of the runners started to get shot as many others fell to their knees and put their hands up. The ones that either hid or surrendered had guns trained on them, knocked them out with the butt of their guns, or just shot several who appeared like they were about to run when they had the chance too. The main group ran away and ducked behind a large piece of equipment as the bullets whizzed by the equipment.

There were dozens of men with rifles as they swarmed in with several of them keeping their eyes on the hostages while one sect of around six men went ahead to the very end of the lab where the last elevator was located. The elevator that led to the bottom floor where the main vaults were kept. As the sect were walking, Voss, Will, and Valarie looked over with worried expressions.

"No! Their headed to the main vault! If they get in and get pass the steel doors of the vault they will have access major weaponry and data!" Yelled Doctor Voss.

"Even with ten warheads they won't be able to break through those doors! They have to have somehow gotten a hold of the security codes, it would explain how they got inside, but how did they get a hold of them in the first place?" Yelled Valarie as bullets still whizzed by the groups heads.

"It doesn't matter, everyone needs to stay hidden and safe! I'm sure help is already on their way! In the meantime, everyone needs to stay out of sight at all costs and pull back!" Yelled William as he pulled out an earpiece from his pocket and placed it in his ear as he whispered into it. Luckily the gunfire cancelled out whatever William was saying.

"Elise, get here quick and park within the fifth alley behind the lab! And bring my suit too!" Said William as he got off his earpiece as the firing continued. But as he looked to his right he saw General Powers who reached for his side and pulled out a pistol as he held it in front of him with everyone staring at him with shock.

"Are you serious Earnest!? You brought your gun?!" Yelled one of the military officers who came with him.

"I never leave home without it! Good thing too." Said Powers.

"Are you insane!? How did you even get that past the metal detectors and into the lab!? How did-!?" But Valarie stopped as she looked back behind her to see William was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Mister Knight!?" Asked Voss.

"It doesn't matter! We need to-" But General Powers was cut off as one of the men with rifles stood next to where the group was hiding.

"Found you!" Yelled the man as he aimed his gun at the group, but before he could fire, General Powers fired his gun at the rifleman first and shot him in the shoulder as the man fired a few shots randomly as he fell down as one of the stray bullets grazed Powers arm and hit Ashley in the shoulder. One officer helped the General while the other officer and Valarie helped Voss as they tried to apply pressure onto the wound and stop it from bleeding.

But as that happened, the rifleman got back up with a spiteful look in his eyes as even with a hole in his arm he managed to raise his rifle back up and aim it at the group.

"I'm gonna paint the floors in your brains you stupid old-" But the man was cut off as Valarie sprang forward and with the rifleman's weakened state, she was able to grab the nuzzle of the gun upwards and push the butt downwards as she pulled the gun away from the man's hand as she then elbowed the man in the face and knocked him down to the ground. Before taking the butt of the gun and hitting him in the head with it.

"Is everyone okay!?" Asked Valarie as she looked back worried.

Knight Corp. Labs: Manhattan, NYC (In front of the building)

In front of the main Knight Corp. Lab, several dozen black cars were parked in front of it as around 30 to 40 riflemen were ducking behind cars as they were having a firefight with cops who surrounded the criminals and fired back. But even though heavily armored SWAT members, armored trucks, and several police helicopters started to show up the thugs were prepared.

As most of the thugs continued to fire at the police, the rest dug through the black vans as two thugs pulled out silver rifles with two more thugs pulling out blue advanced rifles, with the final thug grabbing a headset with a blue visor on it as he put it on.

"Hey piggies! Over here!" Yelled one of the thugs with the silver rifle as he walked out from behind the van and aimed his weapon at two cop cars blocking the street with four cops shooting from behind the cars. The thug aimed his gun and fired as it blasted an incredibly powerful gust of wind that blew the cars and cops back several dozen feet with the cars crushing several of the cops.


That's when one the thugs carrying a blue rifle walked out and looked up at the police helicopters with a sniper leaning out of the helicopter with his sniper rifle as he got ready. The thug raised his rifle and aimed at the helicopter, and before the sniper could fire the thug pulled the trigger as a bolt of blue plasma or artificial lightning blasted forward as the beam cut right through the blades of the helicopter like a hot knife through butter.



The thug fired again at another helicopter with the second thug with the blue gun started firing at SWAT trucks and police cars, slicing them into pieces.



The officer hiding behind one of the cars and calling for backup was silenced with a bullet as a armored, large, and black drone was hovering over the officer with a gun attached to the bottom of the drone. The drone flew back up along with three other drones as they all flew in circles over the thugs like sentinels and looked out for any new cops that might show up. The thug wearing the headset from back on the street was looking back up at the four drones and smiling as the surviving cops started to fire back with more police cars showing up on the scene.

All the thugs continued to hold off the police who surrounded them as one of the surviving cops woke up after being knocked out by one of the wind blasts, he picked himself up as he felt a bit of blood dripping down his face as he looked around only to see dead and injured cops. After finally regaining all of his senses after enduring such a heavy attack, confusion and fear turned into pure anger as he looked back at the thugs who were using the advanced weapons to easily and gleefully dispose of his friends.

The cop pulled out his gun and hid behind one of the remaining cars as he looked up to see one of the drones, he quickly shot at the drone, distracting the drone as he ran forward at the thugs who didn't notice him yet. The cop aimed his gun as he successfully shot and injured four of the thugs who were using regular semi-automatics as they fell down in pain, gaining the attention of the five who were using the advanced weapons as he aimed his gun at them and yelled.

"DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP! YOUR ALL UNDER ARREST!" Yelled the thug as several of the thugs looked angry, except the thug with the visor as he did what the cop said with a smile on his face. Putting his hands in the air.

"Alright officer, you caught us. We surrender." Said the thug sarcastically, but before the young cop could say anything else...


A burning pain shot through the back of one of the cops back legs as his knees buckled and he fell on the floor, screaming in pain as the barrel from one of the drones was smoking as it hovered behind the cop. The thugs simply laughed sadistically as the visor thug spoke.

"Get him up." Two other lower ranking thugs did just that as they walked over to each side of the cop and helped him on his knees as he looked at the visor thug, the only thing keeping him from passing out was his immense anger and rage.

"Wow, how cute. You actually thought you could take us all on by yourself, but instead you just threw your life away." Said the visor thug as he leaned down to face the cop face to face as the thug just glared at him and remained silent.

"What? Got nothing to say?"


The cop just spit in the thugs face as he gave the thug a smirk and finally spoke. "I know I'm gonna die... but at least I was able to take some of you bastards down with me. Besides, cop killers like you? When you get caught, your gonna di- UGH!"

The cop wasn't able to finish as the visor thug kicked the cop in the face, and wiped away the saliva from his cheek. "Couldn't say I tried to be nice, I liked it better when he kept his mouth shut." The visor thug then reached to his side and pulled out a pistol as he aimed it at his face. The cop just glared at the visor thug in defiance.

"Do your worst..." The cop growled.

"Alright." The visor thug said with no sympathy as he was about to fire. But before he could pull the trigger, a shadow appeared over him. Perplexed he looked up only to see DragonMan sore towards him with a flying kick that hit the visor thug and sent him flying back with such force the force of his impact crushed one of the vans he fell into.

"Oh, you've gotta-" But before one of the thugs could finish his sentence, DragonMan uppercut him and sent him flying into the air as DragonMan quickly turned to the other criminal and git him with a wheel kick. After that, DragonMan looked down at the cop as he pulled him onto his feet and looked at him.

"Are you still able to walk?" Asked DragonMan as the cop was nigh speechless as he looked at DragonMan, before stuttering out his response.

"I-I Uh, yeah! Yeah!" But as the cop responded, bullets went flying by as the other thugs nearby were shooting at DragonMan and the cop. But DragonMan extended his arm and used his armored body to protect the cop from the hail of bullets.

"Shoot them!" Yelled one of the thugs.

"Kill them!" Yelled another thug.

(Bam! Bang! Tatta! Ratta! Bam! Bang! Tatta! Ratta! Bam! Bang! Tatta! Ratta! Bam! Bang! Tatta! Ratta!)

"Get out of here! NOW!" Yelled DragonMan in an incredibly commanding voice as the cop turns and starts limping away as fast as he could. DragonMan on the other hand turned around to face dozens of the thugs. Without hesitation he charged forward at amazing speeds as he knocked one of the thugs back with a overhand punch, knocking him to the ground with incredible force.

The other thugs then broke form their gazes as they fired at DragonMan with the bullets just bouncing off of him as DragonMan leaped into the air and performed a butterfly kick with his tail serving as a third leg of sorts as he knocked five thugs back with such force they were knocked through fire hydrants, their own black vans, mail boxes, surrounding police cars, and the buildings nearby.

DragonMan's fighting wasn't done yet as he dashed around the battlefield and knocked down dozens of thugs who tried to shoot him. DragonMan dashed around the battlefield as he dashed around and knocked all the thugs down with one blow. As he dashed around knocking out every thug with one blow, he stopped as one thug as he saw a glowing light at the corner of his vision. Before he could even see what the light was, he was blasted with a concentrated blast of electrical energy as DragonMan was forced back a few feet. Blocking his face with his arms as he looked and saw that one of the thugs was blasting him with the lightning gun.

DragonMan with his arms still blocking his face, slowly walked forward and struggled against the force of the beam. As DragonMan marched forward, the thug turned up the juice, only forcing DragonMan back a few inches before DragonMan suddenly charged forward an knocked the lightning rifle out of the thugs hands and knocked him out with one punch. But as the lightning rifle flew back it was still on flipping back and started to cut into the building behind it.


DragonMan quickly caught it in midair and turned off the weapon before it could cause any more collateral damage. But the second he turned the weapons off...


DragonMan was blown back by a massively powerful soundwave and send flying through the same building that was damaged by the lightning rifle.


After the dust cleared, DragonMan pulled himself out from the rubble and marched forward as he saw one of the thugs he knocked down earlier holding the sonic rifle. He had a black eye and was bleeding from the side of his head. The two had a mini-stand off before the thug started to squeeze the trigger, but before he could DragonMan lit up his right hand, flinging his burning his hand forward at the speed of sound as a streak of fire flew forward and melted the rifle. The thug screamed and threw the still burning weapon a side. Distracted with the destroyed weapon, the thug took his eyes off of DragonMan for a split second, as he looked back only to see an armored fist barreling towards his face as the criminal was knocked back.


After the final thug was knocked out, DragonMan quickly scanned the area to see nothing but trashed cop cars, police cars, and knocked out thugs. DragonMan then pressed the side of his helmet as he spoke.

"Call Valerie. Turn on voice modification." The sound piece in his ear only rang half a second before picking up.

"Hello? Will?" Asked Valerie as DragonMan spoke, but with his more familiar billionaire Will voice then his more commanding and intimidating DragonMan voice.

"Yes, Val. Are you alright?"

"Us!? What about you!? Were did you go!? Are you okay?!" Asked Valerie worried.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. What about you and everyone else?"

"Voss was shot in the shoulder! But we got an article of clothing around it and stopped the bleeding, besides that everyone's alright. We're heading to the back, not to many creeps back there."

"Don't move! Just stay put until- Ugh!" But before DragonMan could finish his sentence a blue blurr came out of the sky and rammed DragonMan with enough force to send DragonMan several feet back. But as DragonMan looked back up, he saw a blue figure for a split second swing their fist at him as DragonMan quickly caught the blow, only for DragonMan to be electrocuted with 100,000 volts.


DragonMan let go of the attackers fist as the attacker quickly performed a roundhouse kick. But as DragonMan regained enough sense to grab the attackers outstretched leg, a deadly sonic blast hit DragonMan directly in the face with force far greater then the original sonic rifle. But it wasn't just a blast of sound, it sounded like the call of a bird of prey.


The soundwaves shattered all nearby windows, cracked concrete, and even shook buildings as DragonMan flew back down the road with incredible force. Flying through several cars as he was about to crash into a building at the end of the road. But flipped over as he dug his claws into the road to slow down his momentum, leaving behind huge claw marks in the road before finally slowing down to a stop.

As DragonMan looked back up he saw the same blue figure sore down from the air and landed right in front of him. After a second of looking at the figure, DragonMan got a better look at him. The strange blue figure was actually wearing one of the prototype TB-004's, a slick yet bit of a bulky suit of blue armor with talon-like claws at the end of its finger tips, the helmet having a bit of an aerodynamic shape appearing like a birds head with two glowing white eyes, like the rest of the suits of armor possessing a design fit for a man, and finally having a pair of metallic wings on his back that measures 10'0 wide.

"Well, what do we have here? Some wannabe knight in shining armor whose come to save the day?" Asked the person in a robotic disguised voice, unable to really tell if it was actually a man or a woman.

"You stole those weapons, that suit. All from Knight Corp. I don't know what your planning to do with all that equipment... But I won't let it happen." Said DragonMan as he stood back up.

"Hahaha... You know nothing, but you are right, I do have my villainous 'Master Plan'. But nobody, especially some freakshow playing hero is going to stop me." Said the figure as they took a step forward. But before the assailant could even lift his hand to attack DragonMan, DragonMan quickly dashed in with a series of quick punches and hooks that caught her unprepared. But as the figure regained his balance he dodged one of DragonMan's blows before raising their hands and started slashing at DragonMan's chest with the electrically charged claws slashing across DragonMan's chest with sparks flying and DragonMan groaning in pain. But before the figure could continue to slash at DragonMan, DragonMan grabbed his assailant by one of his wrists and headbutted him, causing him to fly back over thirty feet and skid across the road.

DragonMan shook his hand to try and relieve the electrical painful jolt he just received after touching his assailant.

'I can't touch him. Not if I want to be electrocuted again. I need to find another way to attack.' Right as DragonMan thought that, he glanced over at a parked car nearby.

The blue figure picked himself back up and shook his head to get his senses back. But right as he looked back up, he saw DragonMan run at him with the car lifted above him as he dashed at the blue figure as swung the car at the figure, destroying a 1/3rd of the car with one swing.


DragonMan swung again as he took out 2/3rd of the car.


But before DragonMan could swing again, the blue figure pointed out his index finger as it glowed with blue electrical energy. Quickly bringing it towards the last half of the car in DragonMan's hands and blasting it into pieces with one touch of his finger.


As he then pointed that very same figure at DragonMan's chest and blasted him with a powerful bolt of lightning that sent him flying into the air and into the fifth floor of a nearby building, completely flying through multiple rooms.

The blue figure looked up at the hole in the building for a moment before he saw the silhouette of a tall figure walk through the smoke and lean out the hole, of course revealing it to be DragonMan.

"Oh, your still alive. Let me fix that problem." Said the blue figure as he lifted his finger once again and pointed at DragonMan as another bolt of lightning rocketed from it an at DragonMan, but DragonMan quickly scaled the wall of the building and made his way to the top as the lightning bolt shot right through the hole in the building where DragonMan was as she trained her finger on DragonMan and blasted at him as he ran to the left side of the building. Each bolt missing.




But as DragonMan jumped off the end of the building, he spread his wings and took flight as he swore towards the blue figure and threw blasts of fire at him.




But the blue figure quickly dodged every blast and backed away as DragonMan then held his hands in front of him and released a concentrated beam of fire out of his fingertips.


Scorching the street but missing the blue figure as he managed to Dodge all of DragonMan's attacks before holding his hands out in front of his face and pushing them forward and out as he created a huge wave of electrical energy that spread over the whole area like a shotgun blast.


The blast hit DragonMan and stunned him as he stopped moving his wings and almost fell out of the air. But quickly regained his motor skills and flew back up before hitting the ground. The blue figure just stared at DragonMan and tilted his head.

"Huh, resilient, and nice wingspan. But now it's my turn." Said the blue figure as he spread his robotic wings and rose into the air, rising to the same level as DragonMan. But before the blue figure lifted his hands with an electrical charge around them, he stopped as the electrical charge dissipated. The blue figure lifted his finger to the side of his helmet as he spoke.

"Oh, your here already? Good. You see this pest in front of me? Yeah, terminate him." Said the blue figure, but before DragonMan could put together what the blue figure was talking about... He heard the the sounds of helicopters as he saw two attack copters hovering several dozen feet above the blue figure and aimed at DragonMan.

But as DragonMan realized what the copters were about to do, he was too late to react as each copter fired two stinger missiles as all four stinger missiles rocketed forward and exploded on impact and blasted DragonMan straight to the ground.


"Sir, we're ready to pick up the object." Said one of the copter pilots through the blue figures communications.

"They should be coming up the large elevator on the roof any second. The second that machine rises up, you hook up your ropes to it and get out of here before the more cops show up!" Said the blue figure.

"Roger that." Replied one of the pilots as both pilots moved towards the Knight Lab building as they hover over the lab.

As the blue figure was staring at the two copters, he heard a growl as he quickly looked back only to get punched in the face as DragonMan flew past the blue figure and turned around as he headed back towards the blue figure with a kick that sent him flying back. But stopped as he caught himself and spread out his wings. Though as DragonMan tossed another blast of fire, the blue figure dodged and flew higher as he spread his wings and flew towards DragonMan with DragonMan flying towards him.

The two collided as each traded blows with the figure slashing at DragonMan with his talons and DragonMan punching and clawing a the figure. But their struggle ended as DragonMan kicked the figure away as the two started to fly higher and circle around each other, taking their aerial battle higher. After a few more seconds of circling, DragonMan flew forward and charged at the blue figure with the blue figure unleashing an array of attacks as he used his super sonic attacks, blasted bolts of lightning, and swung his wings with the foot long bladed feathers flying as deadly projectiles.

But DragonMan quickly dodged all of them, except for a bladed feather that only grazed DragonMan but was sharp enough to leave a long gash on DragonMan's shoulder and back. But as DragonMan few in and punched the blue figure in the gut, the blue figure quickly leaned back as he spun around with his wings following along as the blades slashed at DragonMan's waste and make him growl in pain.


The figure stopped spinning around for a moment as he continued to try and slash at DragonMan with his deadly wings only for DragonMan's mask to open up to reveal his rows of sharp teeth as he bit down on the wing 10x stronger then the bite force of a crocodile a he began to crush the wing. But as the figure grabbed at DragonMan's head to electrocute him again... The blue figure could see that the inside of DragonMan's mouth started to glow as only a split second past before the powerful beam of fire breath blasted through half of the figures wing before DragonMan aimed it at the figures chest and blasted him back through the air.


After the end of the assault, DragonMan saw that part of the assailants wing was completely burned away and there was heavy damage to the man's chest. The two hovered there for a moment as DragonMan's face plate returned and spoke.

"Your suit is too damaged, surrender and I can safely bring you back down so you won't drop from the air." Said DragonMan as the figure growled at him.

"I'm not finished yet, animal..." Growled the figure as his hands spread out and stretched as his hands turned into fists. As he was making those movements, rapidly a dark storm cloud began to form over them as the storm cloud began to release rain and even create lightning. DragonMan's eyes widened with shock.

"You have a weather machine..." Said DragonMan.

"Yeah, but it's imperfect. Though after I take that weather machine of yours, it'll be perfect." Said the figure as DragonMan looks back down at his lab to see the massive weather machine was on top of the massive roof elevator, with several of those armed thugs around it, hooking up ropes to the side of it that lead to the two attack helicopters hovering over it.

But DragonMan's attention was drawn back to the blue figure as the lightning bolts in the storm were drawn to him like a lightning rod. But instead of harming him, he was absorbing all the energy he was absorbing from the bolts of lightning that were hitting him. DragonMan could just feel the immense electrical charge coming from his opponent as DragonMan looked back and forth between the blue figure and the thugs who are stealing his machine.

"There's a storm coming, DragonMan. And after everything is over and done with, I'll get what I want. What I deserve." Said the figure as the lightning bolts stopped hitting the figure, as he was already fully charge with electricity leaking out of him.

"Oh, and by the way..." The figure raises it's finger and points at DragonMan. "Call me ThunderBird."

ThunderBird fired his bolt of lightning only for DragonMan quickly dashed past ThunderBird, dodging the bolt of lightning, and right at the roof of the building.

"Oh no you don't!" Yelled ThunderBird as he swung his wings sending multiple bladed feathers in a scattering motion at DragonMan as all of them missed him, except for one that manages to cut through one of DragonMan's wings and created a massive cut in the right wing. ThunderBird charges up another supercharge blast of lightning as he quickly aims and fired as it hit DragonMan.


The blast was so powerful it forced DragonMan back to the ground and crash into the road, creating a massive crater.


DragonMan lied on the ground for a second before regaining his senses as he opened his eyes and slowly started to pick himself back off of the ground. As DragonMan got back up, he noticed that the rain was dissipating as he looked up to see that the rain clouds were disappearing, and as DragonMan looked over at the lab he saw that the thugs and weather machines that were on it a second ago were gone. Looking into the distance, he saw the helicopters flying away with the machine. But as DragonMan tried to get back up and go after them, he got a surge of pain come from his right wing as he tried to flap it. Looking over, he saw that his right wing was broken with that long cut from one of ThunderBird's bladed feathers.

"Can't fly... I can't let them get away!" Growled DragonMan, but it was clear as day that he knew a broken wing meant he couldn't fly. But as DragonMan stood back up from his kneeling position...

"Hey!" DragonMan looked over to see several cops and SWAT officers approaching him.

"Hey! You need to come with us! We have a few questions for you!" Said the cops, with nearly all of them having their weapons drawn or touching the guns in their side holsters.

'Saving one of them or not, that doesn't change the fact that I'm still a vigilante...' Thought DragonMan as he looked at the cops for a moment.

"Stay we're you are! Your not going anywhere!" Said another more aggressive cop as he raised a shotgun and aimed it at him.

"I don't think so..." Said DragonMan under his voice as he quickly leaped up a nearby building and started quickly climbing up it like a gecko climbing up a wall.

"FIRE! FIRE!" Screamed the cop as the police started to open fire on DragonMan as he continued to climb up the building until reaching the top and standing on the roof as he walked away.

DragonMan looked back for a second before looking back and walking off.