Chapter 10: Training Agumon!


It's midnight and I'm now checking agumon stats as my, I even got a new title.

[New title gained-Digimon Tamer-Raise friendship with partner by 30% permanently increased exp by 30% for any digimon that is your partner.]

These are Agumon's current stats.

[Digimon Status]


Age:3 days






STR: 29






Issei:"Not bad Agumon your stats aren't too bad but you need more training."

Agumon:"Of course I'll get even stronger."

Issei:"I think I should check my Stats I've been pretty much ignoring it the system Status!"


Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor/Digimon Tamer

Lvl:74/ Next Level 2%










[Stat points:199/Munny:42,673/Gold:39,938]



Gamer's Mind-(MAX)-[Passive]

Gamer's Body-(MAX)-[Passive]

World Adaptability-(MAX)-[Passive]

Observe(Lvl 25/100)-[Active]

ID Create(Lvl 24/100)-[Active]

ID Exit-(Lvl 24/100)-[Active]

Mana Augmentation-(Lvl 42/100)-[Active]

Meditation-(Lvl 32/100)-[Active]

Mana manipulation-(41/100)-[Active]

Bloodlust-(Lvl 26/100)-[Active]

Martial Arts Mastery-(Lvl 49/100)-[Active]

Physical Endurance-(Lvl 46/100)-[Passive]

Touki-(Lvl 45/100)-[Active]

Small Regeneration-(Lvl 26/100)-[Passive]

Electrokinesis-(Lvl 29/100)-[Active]

Mana Construct-(Lvl 30/100)-[Active]

Mana Wings-(32/100)-[Active]

Lightning Resistance-(Lvl 23/100)-[Passive]

Mana Barrier-(Lvl 1/100)-[Active]

Sword Mastery-(10/100)-[Active]


Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear


Issei:"Let's what you can do in a battle Agumon." he nod while I summoned my Twice Critical which transformed into the Boosted Gear.

Issei:"Ready guys !"



Augmenting my feet in mana I dashed towards a zombie ,while Agumon fired baby flames at the magicians causing them to lose focus and interrupt they're spells.

Issei:"Agumon is great support!" I created some lightning and Mana balls and fired it towards some Exorcist and Magicians causing an array of explosions.

Agumon:"Alright then Issei check out this [Spitfire Blast]." Agumon accumulates a large amount of Baby Flame and fired it toward a group of unsuspecting magicians causing a brilliant explosion of flames not as big as mines but it was pretty strong.

Agumon however collapsed tired, I barely caught him in time. I ran into an a building with him he wasn't too heavy due to me training him alot when he was a Koromon.

Issei:"You know that was a stupid Rio." I said as I bonked him on the head.

Agumon:"Rio is that what you were naming me?"

Issei:"Yep but still though, I don't want you using up all your energy like that, you haven't fought as much as I have... listen, I know you want to impress me but not at the cost of losing my friends...I can't lose anything else." thinking back to Julia, Derrick and James. I won't lose anyone else.

A red aura surrounded I recognised this as...

Issei:"D.N.A!!!" The digiphone was also glowing the same red I took it out it looked a bit different there was just one singular button where the normal home button should the phone was now red with a green gem in the shape of Ddraig's, insignia they're were lines running across horizontally.


[Due to forming a bond with digimon a Digisoul has formed]

[Digisoul-(MAX)-Gives you the ability to use D.N.A to digivolve your digimon partners and can be used to power up attacks and borrow digimon partners abilites.]

Rio:"Issei I understand I'll be more careful from now on!" I smiled and point my digivice to him.

Issei:"Alright then let's go D.N.A Charge!!!" putting my hand on the digivice are red beam shot towards the Agumon. Evolution came on the screen in green text.

Rio:"Agumon Digivolve!"

Rio:"GREYMON!!!" he did he actually digivolve this is greatest moment of of my life.

Issei:" So AWESOME!!!" I may want revenge but I'm still a weeb at heart. I immediately checked his stats.

[Digimon Status]

Name:Rio (Greymon)

Age:3 days



Field Type:Nature Spirits/Dragon's Roar




STR: 29->129

DEX:21-> 121

VIT:32-> 132




Issei:"Not bad Not bad at all Rio, Ascalon!" Ascalon came out of the Boosted Gear.


The building was destroyed so now the magicians saw us they fired all kinds of magical attacks at us.

Rio:"Mega Flame!" A huge fire ball shot out of his mouth killing the Magicians and Exorcist while I slashed through them like a hot knife through butter. I used Observe on the sword ignoring it's history and just looking at the stats.

[Observe-(Lvl 25/100)-Dragon Slaying Sword Ascalon- +ATK 537/Durability 12000/Give Dragons 80% extra damage]

Issei:"Not bad!" I used Mana Augmentation and Touki to boost my stats and the sword while removing it from the Boosted Gear.

Issei:"Let's train my Sword Mastery!" I took on a an Exorcist he ran upto me and we clashed blades, I used what I learned in kendo except more lethal, I kept practicing while Rio fired some more Mega flames watching my back.

Issei:"Rio let's finish this Rio!"

Rio:"Right!" I jumped on his head.





















With a huge grin on my face I uttered.



All that power went into to Rio a bright red aura surrounded the Digital Monster.

Rio:"[MEGA FLAME !!!]" A huge ball of fire was launched towards the Zombie's causing an even bigger explosion destroying the entire neighborhood it even stretched outwards to the city.

Issei:"Well damn partner you did good !" the Greymon then returned back back to being an Agumon.

Rio:"Awww! I wanted to stay a Greymon!"

Issei:"You do know you'll have to digivolve to it naturally right, good thing the digifarm is a thing where I can safely train you"

Rio:"Eh?! But then why am I here?"

Issei:"Combat experience." he looked a bit confused, I almost forgot that he's just three days old but before I could explain a giant shard of ice shot towards us. I barely managed to get Rio out of the way he got hurt and was leaking data.

Issei:"Shit Rio return to the digivice now!"

Rio:"B-But Issei who'll protect y-"

Issei:"Rio please I don't want you to be hurt!" the Digimon complied albeit reluctantly I could see it on his face, and entered the digivice. I stood up and turned to the bastard who just attacked my partner sure it's been three days since I even met him but raising him he grew on me, I don't know if its the Digimon Tamer title but I don't give a damn.

Ddraig:(Yes your close to unlocking your Balance Breaker dig deeper into your emotions your close incredibly so!)

I couldn't help but think about those greedy bastards who would sacrifice innocent people just to continue the stupid war, people who are suffering but ignore it because of they're greed and how keep thinking about they wanted to squeeze as much resources out of the other countries. It's of the shitty people in power that our world ended up getting fucked all because some God decided to just end it all killing us all through when he could've easily just let us die out due to underpopulation or many less painful ways to die.

I'm sick of it all.


Red Dragonic armour surrounded me still dazed.

Issei:"This is?"

Ddraig:(Your balance breaker partner)

Issei:"I see" I looked towards the bastard who attacked I saw three Zombie Paladins and a new zombie who held a cane it's robes were more intricate.

[Observe-(Lvl 27/100)-Zombie Archmage(Boss)

With the death of a hundred Zombie Magicians a Zombie Archmage was born they're power, malice and hatred towards you has built up into this magician.


It's more magically powerful but why is it magical powers so high it doesn't make any sense, I dodged a sword slash from a Zombie Paladin I looked around saw four of them I took out Ascalon and fused it with the armour and blocked an incoming slash. A stream darkish lightning was fired towards me when it hit I didn't feel much.

[Due to mana core and affinity with lightning new form of magical lightning gained]

[Cursed lightning-A type of lightning normally possessed by evil beings and undead./Does 30% more damage than normal lightning.]

Not bad I activated Mana Augmentation and fused it my lightning and again I heard another notification.

[Due to special action new skill acquired.]

[Lightning armour-(1/100)- By mixing both Mana Augmentation and fusing it with your lightning this new skill was created./ Boost STR by 40% and DEX by 60%.]

Stunned by this is froze the skill is just level one and it gave this much of a boost but in my musing I was attacked by a Paladin and a hail of ice which I barely dodged.

I sliced the Paladin in half before landing on my feet this armour felt incredibly light it's like it wasn't there.




I slashed through all the Paladins so fast they couldn't register I then rushed towards the Archmage and stabbed it but a barrier blocked my sword, I didn't give up and pushed through slowly cracks started to form in the barrier until.

It broke I then charged mana and lightning into Ascalon and threw a huge sword wave engulfing the the undead mage.

I then entered an empty ID and collapsed unto the ground.

Issei:"Ddraig that was awesome!"

Ddraig:(I'm impressed this Gamer system is not to be trifled with your growth rate is honestly astonishing at this rate you'll be able to surpass Ophis and Great Red in a matter of years maybe even months!)

Issei:"I see so I'm probably the your strongest host in this timeline."

Ddraig:(It seems to be so but timeline?)

Issei:"There's a multiverse out here Ddraig infinite universe infinite versions of me and you some with better lives, some with worst." The dragon was silent it was interesting to him thinking about other universe's. I was too tired to check my status so I went home and immediately went to sleep with my now digivice in my hand.

[Due gaining rest HP and MP are fully restored.]

I got up and checked the time it was 7 am I heard snoring and saw Rio right beside me snoring.

Issei:"Oi Rio wake up my Mom might come in!" the Digimon slowly opened his eyes.

Rio:"Issei your okay!" the yellow dinosaur digimon hugged me.

Issei:"I know pal!" I recalled him to the digivice and opened the digifarm first time opening it, I saw a loading screen then two tabs Digital world which was grey and Digifarm which had colour.

Issei:"Digital world does this mean this universe has digital world?"

Ddraig:(I don't know could be possible everything from mythology exists in this world so it's not farfetched!)

Rio:[Really I want to go there!] Oh yeah forgot they could talk from the digivice.

Ddraig:(Well aren't you an interesting one little Drake!)

Rio:[Who said that you sound like that boost thing Issei's big red gloves do!]

Ddraig:(It's not a big red glove it's called the Boosted Gear one of the thirteen Longinuses and my name is Ddraig the Red dragon Emperor or the Red Dragon of Domination!)

Rio:[That's too long I'm gonna call you Glowy cause every time you talk you glow green!]

Ddraig:"Why do I feel like I'm talking to a child?"

Issei:"He is a child!" sighing I checked my status.


Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor/Digimon Tamer

Lvl:/ Next Level 14%










[Stat points:314/Munny:192,673/Gold:89,938]



Gamer's Mind-(MAX)-[Passive]

Gamer's Body-(MAX)-[Passive]

World Adaptability-(MAX)-[Passive]

Observe(Lvl 27/100)-[Active]

ID Create(Lvl 24/100)-[Active]

ID Exit-(Lvl 24/100)-[Active]

Mana Augmentation-(Lvl 53/100)-[Active]

Meditation-(Lvl 42/100)-[Active]

Mana manipulation-(52/100)-[Active]

Bloodlust-(Lvl 34/100)-[Active]

Martial Arts Mastery-(Lvl 52/100)-[Active]

Physical Endurance-(Lvl 46/100)-[Passive]

Touki-(Lvl 52/100)-[Active]

Small Regeneration-(Lvl 26/100)-[Passive]

Electrokinesis-(Lvl 38/100)-[Active]-[+Cursed lightning]

Mana Construct-(Lvl 30/100)-[Active]

Mana Wings-(32/100)-[Active]

Lightning Resistance-(Lvl 58/100)-[Passive]

Sword Mastery-(18/100)-[Active]

Lightning armour-(Lvl 29/100)(Passive)

Mana Barrier-(Lvl 1/100)-[Active]



Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear
