Chapter 49: Fate but not for long

We safely landed on the ground as I checked where we were, and it seems we are in Central Park in New York City, two years after the Holy Grail War. I adapted to this world and so did Red.

Red:Where are we?"

Issei:"New York." I took out a computer and started to create identities for us just in case. I then printed two I.Ds for us with a machine I have on hand.

Issei:"Alright!" magic circuits appeared from my shoulder to my arm. Red did the same as well. I also got a notification.

[Due to Gamer's multiple encounters with Death Gamer has gained Mystic eyes of Death Perception.]

Issei:"Well shit!"


Issei:"I just got [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception]." Looking at around I could see lines all around I then looked to a rock and saw it had them too. Make sense everything has a life span as everything will come to abrupt day one day, I guess that's just my definition of death or how I things.

Red:"Makes sense."

Issei:"Your not suprised?"

Red:"Nah! But I do gotta ask are we just gonna stay cooped up in that ID of yours."

Issei:"Well I can manipulate the time in it, so I think we'll go out for a day once a week. I don't want to keep my kids cooped up in one place after all though I'm a bit reluctant to let them out since this is modern world. Know what screw that I won't be doing that....but I am worried."

Red:"It's Riza your worried about isn't it?"


Red:"*Sigh!* I should've known."

We then left the park and found and house to which we mind controlled the landlord and bought it and filled out the paper work without a hassle. After furnishing the place the house was a rather large one, Red adapted everyone to this world, though only Daemon, Barbamon, Luce, Hackmon and surprisingly Riza were only interested in learning mage craft.

I then proceeded created a sub-space in the basement because they will be working on their physical strength and digi-energy it's what Daemon and I call the energy from the digi-core.

I then proceed to learn [Projection] or [Gradation Air] I won't really be studying anything else really. Me and the others will just be skipping through all of Goldie's notes on it while I join the others in physical training though my [Projection] speed is slow, so I'll be working on that while trying to gain a connection with the root if not I'll just buy the [True Magics].

-Three months later-

I blocked a sword slash from Luce while our blades were locked I swiftly jumped over him and tried attacking him from behind, but he quickly turns around and blocks my Kansho and Bakuya. He jumped back to gained distance as he create swords made from light and darkness and launches them at me.

Golden ripples form behind me as I launchedmy own assortment of weapons at the Demon Lord digimon. All the weapons collided with each other causing an explosion which created a dust cloud which almost covered the entire room.

I suddenly sensed Luce behind me with [Observation Haki] it seems he wanted to use it as cover. I however fired a sword wave towards him. He swiftly jumps out of the way and fired more swords and spears made of light and darkness. I rapidly cut down each of them as I ran towards him.

I swung my blades down at him as he blocked them.

Issei:"You do know I could sense you with [Observation Haki] right?"

Luce:"It was worth a shot." We disengaged as both our weapons dissapeared.

Luce:"Your speed increased again didn't it?

Issei:"It has." I traced a copy of Excalibur from this universe. I've got really good making weapons like that. I've even evolved the [Unlimited Blade Works] into [Unlimited Weapon Works]. Like how Emiya(Alter) changed his into [Unlimited Lost Works]

Issei:"Anyway I'll be doing maintenance on the weapons in the gate."

Luce:"See ya." he waved as he walked out. I then entered the gate and started doing maintenance on each weapon there. I do this to create a bond with them, some weapons here have a conscience and some are started to form well mostly the weapons I threw in here.

While I was cleaning Ig-Alima my face crashed into something soft or did something soft crash into me? I opened my eyes and saw...a cleavage I looked up and saw it was Artoria (Lancer).

Issei:"What the hell!?!" I looked on my body to see if I had a command seal, and I didn't see one. I used [Observe] and saw it was...

Issei:"Rhongomyniad?" It was the weapons spirit who currently nodded answering my question. I hope I won't have a Gold Averis situation.


Sitting at a table the weapon spirit was eating a hamburger I made on the table there was a number of plates on the table she was eating.

Issei:"Seriously and I use to think Red and I could eat alot." while in the 'One Piece' our appetites suddenly grew, it's like the stronger we both got the more could eat. And the ingredients in the One Piece universe weren't any joke either I would probably put it behind 'Shokugeki no Souma' and place 'Toriko' in first.

Riza:"We're home!" Riza walked in with everyone else Luce was currently taking taking a bath while Belphemon is sleeping as usual he sleeps alot yet somehow he's still keeps up with us in our training.

Sheng:"Issei, Riza almost burned down the Arcade."

Rio:"Sheng I think Riza being pissed justified here."

Meilee:"If he wasn't gonna do it, I would." said the angel digimon with alot of venom in here voice.

Issei:"Lemme guess you guys won thousands of tickets and you guys could only win candy or a plushy."

Riza:"How did ya know? And who is that?"

Issei:"Your unlce Derrick and I got screwed over once at an arcade here's a some advice arcades a basically casinos for people under the age of 18 so fuck em!"

Issei:"This is Rhongomyniad a weapon spirit." The Lance grabbed my head and shoved it in her cleavage.

Issei:"Rhong please stop doing this." The spirit shook her head, I could sense by her emotions she was happy being around me. I can sense emotions with [Haki] and I can also see people's aura.

Issei:"*Sigh!* Are all the weapons spirits are gonna be like you? I just wanted to clean them and check on them." I said wile trying pry myself from her cleavage. She and pretty much all the weapons who are forming consciences are greatfull I'm taking care of them like that.

So technically if they were to choose between me and Gilgamesh they would choose me every time. That and I've mastered how to fight with each one of them and I talk to them when I'm bored.

-Two months later-

Red:"It worked!" said the dragon God with glee.

Issei:"Your [Concept of Dreams] is straight bullshit!" I slammed my fist in the table if it weren't reinforced it would be dust by now. Red manipulated the ether clumps and formed an arm made of iron flipping me the bird.

Issei:"Fuck you too!" I flipped him back.

Ranna:"Jealous much.".

Issei:"Of course I am this guy can make himself as stronger are equal to infinity!"

Red:"Actually I can't make myself stronger than infinity, I just make myself as strong as infinity. I can't surpass it. I normally use strategy to beat Ophis, though the brat isn't smart enough to use her Concept to increase her smarts." he laughed heartily at how stupid Ophis is well not stupid more like she's pure.

Issei:"*Sigh!* Might look through Goldie's notes on them."

-Another four months-

Issei:"I DID IT!!!" I was currently wearing my formal military uniform, not the one made for combat, this is what I would wear at some kind of formal event. I even had my hat and gloves and everything except it was black and red. So I got the third magic [Heavens Feel].

Issei:"Hey Ddraig come here."

Ddraig:"Sure." he floated over to me. I snapped my fingers and...

Ddraig:"Wait I'm alive?" he clenched his fist he could feel his bodies warmth.

Ddraig:"Okay turn me back."


Ddraig:"Listen partner I'm not ready to come back yet, I'm happy you'd bring me back, but I'm fine the way I am for now."

Issei:"Alright then if you say so partner." I returned him to being a spirit.

Red:"So you finally got [Heavens Feel] Huh? I already got that plus [Magic Blue] and [Kaleidoscope]." The dragon God was speaking in a very teasing tone it was annoying the hell outta me. He summoned a biker outfit just to piss me off. I guess it matches the user.

Issei:"Oh! Screw this I'm buying all of them!" and so I the true Magics and some weapons I don't have in the gate.