Chapter 54: Danger

*Issei Pov*

Using a spell I created with [Time Magic], I'm able to trace where they went I call this [Time Trace], it allows me to see past actions of a perso, it sorta looks like the action of the characters Jojo part 4 final opening.

I followed them out of the stadium straight into the city I could see multiple different races walking around. I followed the traces into an alley where I found they entered a portal a digital one.

I took out my digivice and the gate opened, and I walked through it. I was met with all my digimon in their true forms beaten and battered they were tired. Rio and Sheng fused into Omnimon, while Riza was in his [Oryuken Mode] while a Meilee was in her [Fighter Mode]. They were all fighting Ken!


Luna:"Issei something is wrong with Ken!" I looked at Ken he had a dark aura surroundim him, his normal golden colour was now black and the aura he was putting off was insane it surpassed any of my current digimon.

Ken:"[Zwei Glänze!]" his voice sounded dark and distorted. He dashed towards Hack who blocked his attack.

Issei:"Tch! Diego, Hack Xros Up!" Both digimon fused.

Issei:"Chou Shinka!"

Hack:"ZEKEJESMON!" the fused digimon rushed after Ken and they clashed.

Issei:"Observe!" I read his file and saw that it was something Digi-stigma virus created to power up digimon. It was created by Jameson Matthews a digimon tamer. He's been infecting digimon with all the multiverse. The virus prays upon digimon with insecurities and those without sapients.

Ken wanted to be strong but he always felt he was behind everyone else, and now coming here and joining the multiverse tournament showed just how much distance between him and so many other beings in the multiverse. He felt he wasn't good enough. Joining the tournament was a bad idea....

Is this my fault? I should've payed more attention to him, I was his tamer his freind his father. I was about to run towards but-

Omega:"Issei it isn't your fault!" said the Jogress digimon who blocked an attack from Ken.

Omega:"He's being mind controlled right then let's beat some sense into him, after all I wouldn't be a good big brother won't I!"

Issei:"Your right, I'll figure out a cure you guys hold him off." They all nod Meilee entered her [Fighter Mode] while Giro entered his [Blast Mode] while the others brought forth thier aura's. I scanned Ken with my digivice and took out a laptop to which I connected the both of them and began running a few test before creating the anti-virus program.

While I was busy doing that the others were holding back Ken to the best of their abilities, they didn't want to use any lethal attacks as to kill their friend/brother, so they just kept knocking him back, but he was relentless.

Omega:How the hell is he knocking back all of us, I know we're holding back this is just insane!" said Omega as he blocked another

Riza:"We need someway to hold him off!" I then summoned a magic circle while typing with one hand, the circle released some chains which restricted the Digimon, this is one of my highest level seals.

Issei:"That should hold him while I finish making the anti-virus programme." A number of sighs of relief was heard as they all dropped their guard but, the aura became even more intense and darker, the Digimon body seems to have even grown in size as he powered up. They saw this and got on guard again their instincts were screaming at them to run.

???://I WANT TO BE STRONGER!!!// I heard a voice which sounds awfully familiar to Ken. It was of [Voice of all things] telling me his thoughts. I typed even faster going at unnatural speeds.

But Ken just kept getting stronger he grew to be 70 feet towering over my digimon. But red cracks started to form all over him. Barbamon summoned a magic circle to his left eye. And he became pale.

Barbamon:"No his data is its overloading the virus seems to have a caused an overload in his data at this rate his data- no his data has already began to deitorate, he'll die if this continues!" My body went cold but [Gamer's Mind] kept me calm as I sped up, I was so close to finishing it, I pressed one final key and it was complete, but time was never on my side...


The sound of shattered glass reverberated through the entire space as Ken's body began shatter. I looked at him as he looked me straight in the eye.


The Digimon fell down as his body returned to his normal size. I threw away the laptop as the anti-virus programme finally loaded, but it was too late. Everyone was in shock. Riza shouted his roar shook the entire space.

I slowly walked up to my dissapearing digimon, I fell to my knees right at his body, as I was about to touch him he dissapeared.

Riza:"Those bastards they killed my baby brother. WHO WAS IT ISSEI?!?!?!"


Daemon:"Calm down Riza we need to-"

Riza:"HOW CAN I-"

Issei:"Riza it's gonna be okay." I had a box over my digivice with Ken's digi-egg inside of it.

Issei:"We were lucky I was able to save his data that and if any you died have a server which would back you guys up."

Meilee:"So he'll be okay right?" I looked away.

Issei:"I don't know, I don't think he'll remember any of us." this caused silence. I got up and picked up my computer.

Issei:"We gotta get the anti-virus and my findings to Taiga, he's the only person who can contact the Digimon Union." I said as picked placed Ken's egg in an incubator and picked up the laptop.

I recalled all my digimon to the digivice and went back to the stadium, Taiga's round was about to start after this fight, so I went to stands and found him with his girlfriend.

Issei:"Taiga we need to talk."

Taiga:"Issei what's up?" I just told him to follow me and we went to the locker rooms. I explained the situation to him.

Issei:"Taiga I'll give you the anti-virus under one condition."


Issei:"You let me join in taking down that bastard Jameson!"

Taiga:"Sure I'll notify the union but you should take a rest from multiverse travelling for a few months your gonna be a big brother!" said Taiga as he grabbed my shoulder.

Issei:"Your right I should be stay home." We split ways as I was about to use [Kaleidoscope] to return home, Hack came out of my digivice.



Hack:"Issei while in the tournament I've met a digimon who gave me an offer to train with him, I'll be travelling the multiverse with him. The last battle showed me how weak I am, even though I have power to destroy entire worlds, I am and will be nothing. I just feel so weak!"

Issei:" *Sigh!* I understand, you can go but know you'll forever be apart of our family, Hack Hyoudou." Tears streamed from the Digimon's eyes, as we all said our goodbyes. We saw him enter a ship with a Gankoomon. Looking at that I smiled.

Welp time to head home.