Chapter 65: The great number is upon us!

Here's a chapter the fanfic is still under hiatus but I really wanted to show you guys images of Issei before and after he reincarnated this will be from chapter 2 to the time he took the body tempering pill and here's a pick of the Boosted Gear Evolution and the Evoluzione Draconica before and after it fused with the Boosted Gear, I drew all these so thank me. Also check out in another world as Luffy.

Image here->


It's been a few days since visited the canon timeline, and right now Issei and Asia has just finished a school and has currently made it home when they saw Irina, Issei smiled.

Issei:"Yo Irina!"

Irina:"Issei? Is that you! You look so handsome!" said Irina blushing our mc just smiled at her.

Issei:"Long time no see Irina, I'd like you to meet Asia my girlfriend."

Irina:"The witch who healed a devil!" said Irina that seemed to stung Asia.

Issei:"Irina!" Issei looked at her sternly with his eyes Dragonified, this prompts Irina to draw her [Excalibur Mimic], Issei felt his Excalibur pulse in the gate, he also heard it say 'Otouto is hurt.'.

Irina:"W-what are you!" Issei sighed and took a seat, while holding Asia's arm.

Issei:"I'm a half dragon and no, I wasn't born that way." he summoned his [Boosted Gear] which suprised Irina.

Issei:"I sacrificed my heart to Ddraig the dragon inside the sacred gear. My mom and dad also knows about the super natural world and are pretty strong."

Irina:"I see it could've been worse you could've been devil! And I'm sorry Asia," she bowed to Asia.

Asia:"It's okay as long as we're friends!"

Issei:"By the way why are you here?"

Irina:"My partner and I are on a mission but I'm gonna have to keep that info classified sorry!"

Issei:"It's okay but if want a place to stay here is okay."

Irina:"I'll think about it. Oh! Lord thank you for blessing me so!" She started praying, she then left to meet up with Xenovia.

Gorou:"So she's the next harem member."

Issei:"Dad! I won't be going after her I'd like to get know her outside of a screen."

Bar:"Admirable Issei you want to fall in love with her first."

Issei:"I didn't say that!" he could only sigh and go to bed. The next day after school Issei and Asia sensed a barrier around the ORC to which they entered it, they saw Kiba and Xenovia fighting, he was enraged, which caused him to make alot of mistakes, but he was holding Xenovia back she's not gonna win this so easily.

Issei:"Yo Irina!"


Rias:"You know her Sensei?" said Rias.

Issei:"Yep she's my childhood friend and Irina these devils here are my students I trained them a bit." Irina kept silent and went back to watching the battle, which Xenovia barely won due to Kiba's mental state.

The two then left and Rias and Kiba had the same argument as in the original.

Issei:"Gremory what's wrong with Kiba." Issei knows but he's just asking not to sound suspicious, it wouldn't make sense if he knew.

Gremory:"Well..." she explained his past.

Issei:"I see this is why I stay away from religion, I hate fanatical assholes." This seemed stung Irina a bit but she refocused on the fight ahead of her, which ended with Kiba's loss. He and Rias then went into an argument and he left the Orc like the original, Issei and Asia did nothing to stop him, they just went home.

Issei:"Hey Asia can you get Kiba and Saji to work with Irina and Xenovia."

said as he snuggled close to Asia.

Asia:"So you want canon to go the same way?"

Issei:"Yeah I know this is might too much, but you can say no if you want to."

Asia:"No its fine, I think it's for the best, I don't want Kiba to do something stupid."

Issei:"Thank you." he kissed her and went to bed.

-A day later-

Saji:"You want to what!" said Saji

Asia:"Please Saji I can't do this alone, I'm scared he might do something reckless." said Asia as she used her ultimate attack [Puppy Dog Eyes], which was slowly working.

Saji:"D-dammit! Why not get one Rias's servants to help!"

Koneko:"Who said I wasn't going to help."

Saji:"K-Koneko! *Sigh!* Fine I'll help, but I still think this is a bad idea!"


They have met up with Kiba and he gave them the rundown of his past, which gave Saji the sad boy feels and motivation. Which led them to meeting up with Irina and Xenovia and things ending like the original, but with a few slight changes. Issei didn't interrupt the fights as he wanted Asia to gain more experience and her performance was remarkable.

Unlike original timeline Irina wasn't out of commission due to Asia's more advanced training and better healing abilities, but her Excalibur was still stolen by Cocopuffs.

Which led to the same battle happening in the original in Kuoh Academy and Cocopuffs Summoning Cerberus that's when Asia revealed her Sacred Gear.

Asia:"Let's go [Twilight Busters!]" Two arm silver knuckle bracers appeared with a green gem with a symbol that looked like the Twilight Healing rings. She punched one of the Cerberus away.

Kokabiel:"Interesting!" said the fallen sitting on his throne.

Asia:"Rias, Akeno I'll support you as much as I can!" said Asia, Rias and Akeno nod as they teamed up, they had a harder time as Issei wasn't apart of Rias Peerage. Kiba and Xenovia showed up along with Irina, Xenovia had to give her Excalibur Destruction while she weilded Durandal as they fought. Issei also felt Durandal, Excalibur and Excalibur Morgan pulse.

Issei:'Guys please calm down, I don't know about taking Durandal but I will will be taking Excalibur and restoring it.' the weapons calmed down. Issei could feel the Excalibur cores were in pain due to his [Unlimited Weapon Works].

The battle went with Kiba unlocking his [Balance Breaker], and defeating Freed Cocopuffs then came down, they were now all in trouble. Kokabiel then revealed that God was dead.

Rias:"That's impossible I've heard no such thing!" Irina fainted, while everyone else was shocked, Asia felt a stung of pain due to the reality of God being dead hitting her in the face again, but Issei used telepathy to make her feel better which worked.

Xenovia:"I refuse to believe your lives! If God is dead then who has been listening to our prayers."

Kokabiel:"Simple Michael with the system in place prayers and exorcims can still take place."

Asia:"[Balance Breaker!]" Her bracers glowed and morphed into silver armour, with a green gem in its stomach, it had silver wings with green glowing get boosters inside of them, an helmet was also placed on her head which covered her entire face.

Asia:"[Twilight Fairy!]"

Kokabiel:"What the hell!" She rushed the fallen who blocked her punch with a sword made of light, but it sent him flying, he managed to recover with his wings but Asia didn't let up she continued to deliver an array of punches and kicks.

The fallen didn't let up he had a small on his face he was enjoying this fight. He and Asia zipped around the air creating sonic booms and after images.

Kiba:"Holy crap!" As the battle continued Asia was starting to lose stamina fast but a red comet blasted Kokabiel away as he was about to attack Asia. It was Issei.


Akeno:"Where have you been?"

Issei:"I've been watching all along, I thought this would've been great training for Asia. So I let her get involved, not only that it help her get used to team fights and I guess she wasn't the only one who's gotten stronger from this fight." said Issei with a calm smile as he looked at looked at Kiba who had his Holy demonic sword.

Kokabiel:"And who might you be?" Issei said nothing the broken fused Excalibur floated over to him along with Excalibur Destruction. He activated a magic circle and fused them, creating a new Excalibur.

Xenovia:"Did he just fuse them again?!" Cocopuffs attacked Issei but he deflected his attacks and punched him once but a number an shockwaves went off as it looked like the fallen was punched a number of times.


Xenovia:"Isn't that Irina's childhood friend!?" without a word he stored the sword in his gate he looked at up.

Issei:"Quit your hiding and deal with him already!" this confused everyone but their questions were as a blinding blue light shot down from the sky breaking the barrier around the school, Issei's hand pulsed sensing him.

Kokabiel:"Vali! Did Azazel send you?!" Without a word he easily dealt with him.

Ddraig:((It's good to see you again, Albion.)) spoke Ddraig from Issei's hand as the [Boosted Gear E-Neo] appeared.

Albion:((Ddraig, what happened to the Boosted Gear?))

Xenovia:"Boosted Gear!?"

Rias:"Then that means!"

Akeno:"Issei is the Red Dragon Emperor!"

Ddraig:((My host did a few upgrades as they say.))

Albion:((I see I hope your ready for our battle.))

Ddraig:((Not interested.)) This shocked everyone there, the twin sky dragons are know to fight each other it is inevitable.

Albion:((What do you mean by that Ddraig?))

Ddraig:((I'm done fighting you, our hosts had nothing to do with our battle in the first place. We've ruined almost everyone of their lives.)) Albion was silent he didn't know how to retort.

Albion:((Are you saying your not interested in being my rival?))

Ddraig:((No I'm saying our rivalry has nothing to do with our host and it's time we made peace than continue fighting on like children.))

Albion:((Vali what do you think of this?))

Vali:"I don't care as long as I get to fight strong opponents and that includes you, I don't care if your and the Red Dragon residing inside of him makes peace I still want to fight him."

Issei:"We can spar from time to time if you want." he said nothing and flew away with Cocopuffs and Freed.

Issei:"So you guys want head to my place my Mom's making hotpot."