After that Valentine Day is over, I go to the work as usual. Waking up at 5 and set another alarm clock at 5:30 so that I won't over slept. Taking a quick shower and dress up in a casual office clothing and a pair of short black heels. Then I make some hot coffee and read my mangga or watch an episode of anime series from last night. Sharp at 6:50, I went down from my 3rd floor apartment using the elevator and walk to a nearby bus stop to my working office. Well my every day is exactly the same routine unless if I over slept and I will skip my mangga and watching series anime part for the sake of survival in this morden age, as the saying goes no work= no money=you can pay rent=homeless=you need to keep working to support your daily needs.
It been months ever since that weird stalked feeling occurs me. But for the past week I have been receiving some weird ass stuff like flowers and a freaking blank card. 'Why can't you buy food like instant noodles or maybe mangga for me instand of this bull shit? This flower doesn't even last till my anime series is on air at 11:30 at night.' is what I can think when I receive the flower. I decide to ignore the feeling of curiosity in me because even when I ask the deliver man they will just says the same thing,"Sorry ma'am, I dont know who is sending these but our jobs is to deliver the item to the delivery address so you need to accept it. "
"Lily and roses again.... is there other flower other than this two? Like seriously, I prefer lavender at least it smell like my toilet." I put the flower aside and start to make me milk coffee and chill myself on the couch. "Love this feeling,God when I could feel warmth from others...I just want a men that could hug and cuddle with me even just for once....." I felt a sudden feeling of lonely and wish that Ruby is there to hug me and tell me everything is okay just like last time when my confession to my senior in college and it was a big failure...for my life and I sworn not to fall for anyone anymore....
"Fck....." The next morning I get lavender that was unusual form my "secret fan" and theres a smiley face on the card that is usually blank and it wrote 'Can I be the one who deserve to hug you and give you the warmth you need?' "Holy molly Jesus is holy..... how does he knows what I says yesterday.... I thought I was alone at home and there's no ways others could heard what I talk about yesterday unless...he stalk me even I was in my house..."