Chapter 24

"I already have found you, Lucien..."

I gently stroke his cheek as his tears are rolling down from his eyes. My heartache as I saw him crying in his sleep. Lucien quickly wipe his tears and seat up straight.

"I... I am sorry....." he whisper.

Lucien slightly touch his neck and his face burns up. Then he looks at me with his red eyes from crying.

"What do you means you already found me?" He look at me in confusion.

I hug him tightly and bury my face on his shoulder. I like the smell of his shirt so I hug him for some time. He didn't push me to ask me why I am hugging him. Instead he pets my head and hug me back.

"I am sorry for leaving you with out telling you anything." I finally speak out and he was surprise.

"You know you remember what happen?" He asked me while hug me in his arm.

"No, I don't really recall anything... but..." I gently get off from his arm and show him the picture I find in the bottle.

"I remember you still have the same smile when you are little." I tell him with my best smile.

He look at me then he observe the picture. Lucien seems to be happy when he see the picture. He touch it gently as he recall his beautiful memory of her and his parents visiting the garden.

"So where's your parents, Lucien? I miss aunt Jane's cookie!" I asked him with excitement and eager to meet her.

Lucien seems to be surprise but he changes his expression so quick that I didn't notice. He smile at me and says,"Sure, I will bring you to visit her some day soon."

"Yeah! Oh, how is she doing? And does uncle Alex still make weird invention?" I slightly laugh as I recall his father makes a lot of weird robot and his hair always mess up as his invention makes a tiny explosion when I come to visit him in his lab.

"Yea, Dad always the same but I am sure he is taking a good rest right now so does my mom." He pet my head as he saw that I am so excited just listening to him talking about his parents.

"Now... lets take a good night rest so we could go back to your apartment tomorrow." He stood up and take some blanket from the car. Then he lay it for me."Here,sleep on top of it."

"Thanks a lot, Lucien" I lay down and Lucien hugs me from the back. I was surprised.

"This is to make you warmer. I am sure that you don't want to caught cold, right?" Lucien hold me even tight and I feel a tingling sensation of his breath.

Slowly my eyes feel heavy and I fall into a deep sleep. And yet Lucien haven't sleep. He looks anxious about the questions that she just asked. He wonder does she forget everything about his parents death and the Genesis organisation.

"If you did will be more dangerous for you to involve with the plan... did aunt Lilium know how dangerous to let you to be the main point of the plan?" He whisper as his gently brush her hair.

Then he kiss her head and whisper,"May all goes well when we arrive there. But this time I will protect you no matter what it cost....."