Chapter 39



Rue whispers his name as a man in a lab coat walking nearby them.

She sign them to hid behind the wall. The man walk past the corridor without noticing them.

Then they walk carefully trough the corridor and stop in front of the room that have labelled, 'experiment room'.

"I think we are here. So now what's the plan. I don't have the access card to go in." Rue explain to them as she slightly touch the locked door.

"Can I hack in?" Lucien casually take out his laptop and his pen driver.

"Sure but the security system here is very tight. I used to program the system here but I am not doing it alone. There will be 5 layer of security you need to get trou—"

Rue turn to look at Lucien to only sees him started to hack in. She could feel her nerves are popping out.

"Are you....even listening Lucien..." She grits her teeth to hold in the anger.

"Relaxs Rue....." Lucas fan her with his hand to cool her head down.

"H-hey, Lucien! Come on bro, give her some respect. She trying to explain more about it."

*typing* *typing*

Lucien didn't care less about them and continues to type in the code.

"Access granted."

Suddenly the door open and Lucien packs his things up.

"That's simple. Now let's retrieve what Lilium told us to. Rue now your task is to warn us if there's people who is coming in."

At that moment, Rue feel like she was fcked up.

Lucien carries his beg on his shoulder. He give Rue his sniper gun.

"Here. If there's anything happen, don't hesitated to fire."

As he was about to leave, Rue grabs his shoulder.

"Why do you trust me with this sniper? Have you ever think that I can shoot you right now and you will die?"

Lucien pets her head.

"I trust you as much as I trust Lucas. Both of you are someone important to the person that I care."

Rue was speechless as she listen to his explanation.

"I...I am sorry..." Her voice shakes as she apologies to him.

Lucien smile to her and head in the lab. Lucas pets her head.

"Lucien was like my own brother you know. I use to hate him but now I think I don't." Lucas tell her with his lowest tone as if he was regretting something.

"What happen between both of you?"

"Well, my elder brother was his friend and he die because his can't resist the sudden change of the genes experiment. So my brother want him to take care of me for his stand...."

He smile to Rue and touches his neck.

"Well I misunderstood him for being a coward not to save him and hates him until Aunt Lilium told me everything. Now I am trying my best to treat him better after all those years."

Lucas expression changes and become more sad. The atmosphere around him seem to be heavy.

"Okay then. I am going in to help him. Oh, don't forget my milk shake okay!"

Suddenly he become more cheerful and energetic. He waves her goodbye and went in.

"I wonder how's Fana and Zachary doing now....."