Chapter 48

"Papa, do you know something?" Lilium excitedly ask her husband who is reading the news paper on the living room couch.

Harry puts down the paper and look at her in confusions.

"What happen? Is there something wrong with the boys, mom?" He asked worrying that maybe something bad happen with them.

Lilium slightly laugh as she sees her husband worrying face.

"Tee hee!" She chuckled.

Harry gets even confused as he look at her wife chuckle when he was worrying about the boys.

Then Lucas walk pass them to the get remote control. He sits beside Lilium and watches his favourite cartoon.

"Lucas, do you know why Aunt Lilium is laughing?" Harry asked Lucas.

Lucas shakes his head.

"...I... don't know...Uncle Harry..." He replied slowly.

"Hm....what happen to her...." Harry rubs his chin while thinking some possible reason that make Lilium laugh this happy.

"Hold up... What a sec—!" Suddenly he remember that Lucas never talk to him and he just talk casually to him just now.

"Wait, Lucas! Did you just replied to me just now??" Harry asked Lucas in surprise.

Lucas just nods his head and continues to watch the cartoon. Lilium hugs Lucas happily.

"Well this is what I wanted to tell you from just now, papa! Lucas finally willing to talk again!" Lilium said to Harry.

"My God! It was a good news!" Harry excitedly exclaim in joy.

"Well it means Lucas could join Lucien to school next year since he is turning 7. Lets apply the same school Lucien go for Lucas." Lilium suggested.

"That's great. How does it sound, Lucas?" Harry asked.

Lucas just smile.

"I am go school." Lucas said.


10 years later.

"Lucas lets go!" Lucien smile widely to Lucas who is using his shoes.

"...." Lucas just look at him coldly.

Lucas stands up and carry his bag on his shoulder. He still refuse to talk with Lucien after years living with him.

"Here's the lunch box I make for everyone." Lilium show them 2 lunch box that's filled with sandwich and apple.

"Thanks a lot, Aunt Lilium." Lucien thank her as he place the lunch box into his bag.

"No thanks. I don't feel like eating lunch today, Aunt. Bye." Lucas said.

He close the door behind and walk to school.

"Don't feel down, Lucien. I know that one day Lucas will be willing to talk with you." Lilium told Lucien.

Lucien just smile bitterly. Then he take Lucas lunch's box together with him.

"Later I will give him on lunch time." Lucien tell her.

"Ok then. Be careful on the road okay." She kiss his forehead.

"Ok. Bye then. Bye uncle" Lucien waves her goodbye.

As soon as Lucien arrives the school gate, he saw Bryan was there waving at him.

"Morning student council." Lucien waves at him.

"Yo, morning! See you at lunch?" He waves back and asked him.

"Same place, same time." Lucien replied.

"Roger that." Bryan wink at him.

Then Lucien walks towards his classroom and ready for class.


The bell rings off signing it was recess time. Lucien brings his lunch box and Lucas's along.

Then Lucien heads towards Lucas classroom.

"Hello. Where's Lucas seats?" He asked a female student that keeps on starring at him.

"Um...umm..." She flutter as Lucien asked her.

Then she points at the back of the classroom and show Lucas's place.

"Thanks a lot." He thanks her as he smile gently to her.

Then he notice that student acting weird, the other female student also become reckless as he steps in the classroom.

"My God! Look at his wide shoulder!! So manly!!"

"Oh Gosh! Was his hair real? I mean how could he have that prefect light blue eyes and his hair seems white. So cool!"

Those girls began to chatter as they complimenting him.

Lucien turn to look at them. He smile to them gently and says, "My hair was real and this eyes are from my mother."

"My God! He is smiling to me!!"

"No he is not. He is smiling and talks to me!!"

"Eiiuw!! You are so shameless!! He is looking at me not you!"

The class started to fire up after Lucien critical smile hits those girls hearts.

"Can you all keep quite for awhile?!! So noisy!!" Lucas suddenly shouted at them.

" was fine actually..." Lucien tries to calm Lucas down.

Then group of girls began to frown.

"My gosh, that cold prince started to ruin the mood.."

"But they look perfect right... a dominating top and a soft bottom.."


All of a sudden, the girls started to screaming in excitement as they were talking about shipping the both of them.

"Girls!" Bryan suddenly come out from nowhere interrupts the groups of girls who started to shipping Lucas and Lucien.

"Oh my Gosh!! Why there's a lot of good looking boys comes together all of a sudden!!"

"Gee! Now I have 2 pair of ship that yet to be sail!!"

"Please volume down a bit. And Lucien, Lucas lets go and eat lunch." Bryan said.

"Oh my God!! They will be eating together!!! I am exploding!!" One of the girl suddenly said.

"Ok, wait a minute." Lucien tell him.

"Tch!" Lucas then storm off the classroom.

"Lucas your lunch..." Lucien was there still holding his lunch.


Lucien just sighs as he look Lucas walk pass him without looking or talk to him.

After having lunch without Lucas, Lucien walks back to his classroom silently. Bryan feels that Lucien was a bit down then he try to cheer him up.

"Hey, Lucien. Don't be gloomy! Cheer up a bit. Lucas is hard to get along since he is going trough the teenage phase." Bryan cheerfully tell him.

"Well it's my fault to go see him in the classroom. Now they are shipping me with him. Well I don't mind it since I already used to it but...what about him..."

"It's okay. I know Lucas will understand." Bryan pets his shoulder.

"Hope so..."

"Help!!" Suddenly a girl shouted.

The both of them rush to get her.

"What happen student?!" Bryan asked.

She point that the store room. She looks very terrified.

"They are beating a boy in that room! Please save him!" She begged.

"Bryan take this student back to her class and bring a teacher along. I going in alone." Lucien tell him.

"Roger that! Be careful not to hurt them okay!"

"Sure!" Lucien smirks.