chapter 4

I expected that the following everything would be better and maybe even clearer but it wasn't, everything was so long ,I could not even imagine going back to Milton highschool at least not after everything that had happened the previous day .

But I was not going to quiet on what I wanted and one way or another I had to put up with all the bulling in the end it would all die out just like every other romour in highschool.

I gathered and mastered all my courage that I had to attend my classes for the day ,it was almost the end of the day and it was time for art class the only class I did not share with Becca , I hardly knew anyone in that class well apart from Leila who wasn't even a friend she fitted the class of a devil instead .

I walked in class and sat down only to realize I was sharing a seat with Sean ( my knight in shining amor) he looked so damn hot ,he was in a tight shirt that showed all his Cubs ,his physique so hot and he had a charming and heart warming smile.

Damn was I drooling over him ,well I guess this does make me a whore if Amma keep drooling for any hot guy I meet, I pinched myself to bring myself back to reality.

He must have held his hand out for me to shake for a long time because when I finally saw it he had this expression written all for his face. Hey my name is Sean am new here he said immediatly I took his hand .

My name is Claire I said my more enthusiastically, he must have noticed it because he let out a light laugh.

Who is this guy and why can't I just keep it together around him ,I felt so stupid it's like a magnet pulling me towards him and I could not help but stare ,I was in my own train of thoughts when the art teacher walked in

The art teacher said that we should draw a portrait of anything me think about oftenly and excused himself out he seemed awfully busy today,all the better it was for me.

I was still in my  train of thoughts ,thinking at the only reason Sean helped me out ,was out of pity or probably because he had no ideas of the bad reputation I had in school that I hadn't realized what I was drawing to me, Frank I must have drown it unconsciously because I had planned to draw something else.

It was a portrait of the lady from my weird visions that I could not explain, I was busy trying to figure out how I managed to draw it so vividly like that ,but the face of the woman was still a mystery to me ,it all felt like death ,I must have said death out loud because by the time I looked to see what Sean was drawing he was already staring at me in awe .

So you wish death on Leila,I don't blame you anyone would she's worse than a devil Sean replied back at me

Wait ,what , did I just say I wished death on Leila but I was also relived that someone else in this school hated Leila as much as I did ,but by the time I turned to tell Sean I didn't mean it .the art class was already over and he was already walking out of the door .

But what gave me the goosebumps was the portrait Sean had drawn , I have never seen nor imaged someone draw a clearer, more vivid and detailed portrait of the devil 😈


I met up with Becca the following day and couldn't wait to tell her about what had happened during art class during our lunch break. We both took our lunch and we were both heading to our regular spot when Leila and her squad walked past us bumping into me and making me fall down on the floor spilling my food .

The whole lunch court bust out in laughter at my sight. I was enraged by just remembering at how much I had to work just to afford a meal every lunch break.

Claire pov

After our parents death me and my brother had to work hard for everything , school tuition,food our house bills and even cloths .

After my parents death everything was taken by the bank to pay our loan ,while our uncle wanted nothing to do with us the only thing we had left was our family house but even that during one of our very many hard times we considered selling the house but we couldn't agree on the price so we soon gave up the idea.

Ever since it was just me and my brother and at this point I felt so sad and alone because we were both not in good terms.


I was about to get up when a hand was offered to me ,on looking up I realized it was my twin at first I was hesitant but family will always remain to be the only family we got.

So I took his hand and got up ,he later joined me and Becca at our little spot living behind all his friends and offering to share his meal with me. I felt so proud and relived that now we were both good and in talking terms.

We were all enjoying our meal when we all saw Leila getting up and walking toward an open window ,a voice at the back of my mind told me she was about to jump and that I should stop her but what the heck if she fell and died it would make the world and the school a better place.

She was at the edge of the window ,she jumped 7 stories down , everyone was busy taking a video of the whole incident as it all happened,the most surprising thing was that she didn't even scream or cry for help she just fell on the ground and died .

All he bones were broken and twisted inside out it was an awful sight to look at .

The school was closed for a week dew to the bad publicity that followed after the incident ,but it was also so as to give Leila's friends,well more of her minions time to mourn and heal up the wounds of there friends demise.

But as for the rest of the school Leila would surely not be missed ,she always made sure to make everyone's like a living hell when ever she got the chance ,well I would surely not miss her .