Chapter 2

*Y/n's POV

I was at the outside of my house after got beaten by my father. I really wish eomma never die. Now he's out, probably searching for more alcohol. Then, I hear a growl above me. Oh god, seriously? Again? "Kwan Yeong,

Kyung Yun, please stop climbing the roof will you?" Then my two 1-year-old albino tigers. Both of them are male. I found them with their dead mother. They just cub that time. Since last year, I taking care of them without dad knowing. If he knows, I'm dead. "Hello?" A voice cut my thought off and I look up to see a man from last night, but this time, he's not alone. He's with a guy and his face is so hard to read it. Kwan Yeong walks towards them while Kyung Yun already asleep on my lap. "Kwan Yeong, don't do something stupid." I can see the guy with the expressionless face about to take out something from his back but the man stops him.

*Yoongi's POV

"Are you seriously want to take it out?" I whispered to him.

"Sorry, Pyeha." He whispered back to me. " Okay, but here, don't call me Pyeha. Call me by my name." He nod and I can feel something soft against my leg. I look down to see one of her tiger pet. I crouch down to pet him. I don't know if can be this tame. "That's Kwan Yeong and this Kyung Yun." I look up to the woman and she pointing both of her tigers. I just noticed, that there's a red and purple spot near her neck. Are that bruises? Anger start raise in me. "You can play with them for a while. I want to go make some tea for you two." She said and get into her house. I sit where she sat awhile ago. While playing with the tigers. Not gonna lie they are cute. "P-- I mean Yoongi Hyung, the thing you said to Suran earlier, is it true?" That caught me.

"I don't know. I kinda feel regret to involving her into my problems."

"Did you mean that woman just now?"

"Yeah, and I think I fell in love with her but, we just met last night. Again, she would not want to live with a royal blooded like me. Look at her. Not gonna lie, I notice some bruises on her neck."

"So what you gonna do?"

"Get to know her more before I tell her who am I." Suddenly, I hear someone coming. Taehyung immediately takes out his sword and turn around. "Jin Hyung?" I heard Taehyung said. I got up to see him. " Hyung, you know this place?"

"Oh, Yoongi-ah. What a surprise. What are you doing here? Did she know that you are--" right before he makes it to finish his sentences, I run to him shut his mouth off. "Jin Oppa!" I recognize that voice already. I take my hands off his mouth and he talks. "Hey, I can see something on your neck again, Y/n."

"Ah, don't mind. It's not that painful."

"I don't care. You still have to be treated."

"I can do it by myself, Oppa." Then, I turn around to see her already sitting. I told Jin Hyung about everything that happened at the palace earlier and about my feelings towards Y/n before sit at my actual spot along with the two others. Instead of giving some word like, 'Are you crazy?' or 'Stupid 'towards me, he supports both of us to be together. That makes me relieve. "Hey, why you still wear that hat anyway? Just take it off." I know who's she talking to.

"I don't think that necessary, Y/n." Then, I, Y/n and Jin Hyung talk about a random thing. I got to know that Y/n was Jin Hyung's childhood friends. We talk a lot until it was dusk. "I think I have to head back home."

"Okay, careful." Y/n said, smiling. Her looks are a masterpiece. She is extremely beautiful. "Thanks for the advice. Let's go, Taehyung." We hop on our horses and ride back to the palace.

*At night

I was checking some reports before getting to bed. Then there's a knock on my door. "Come in." Gladly, I prepared. As the door open, I can feel my face drop, a lot. "What do you want again, Suran?"

"I'm bored. Can I spend some time with you?"

"I have two option for you. Get out of my room or go back to Silla. Did you forget that I and your father made a deal?" Suran's face becomes grumpy, and she stomps her feet or of my room. Then, I call one of my guards. "Guard?!"

"Yes, Pyeha?"

"There's something I want you to do."

*Midnight, Suran's POV

I get up from my sweet nap and about to head out, but I can't open the door. I try again, but it's no use. Did Pyeha..."Hey, let me out of here!! Anyone!!!" This is so no fun. I can't admire Pyeha handsome face again. Oh please, god, help me for my sake.

*Next day

I was having lunch with Pyeha and his personal guard 😤. Why, abeoji? Why you make a deal for not get close to him? Why?! "Taehyung, prepare some of my best herbs for her." I heard Pyeha, and I'm not sick. "For who?" I ask.

"For a thief of my heart. Mostly, of course, it's not you."

"Pyeha, why didn't you love me? I'm smart and beautiful. Am I not perfect enough?"

"Suran, we're born to be real, not to be perfect. Understand what I mean, slutty princess?" Did Pyeha just call slut? Did I'm that bad? Taehyung finishes his lunch along with Pyeha. They left me alone in the dining room. I'm thinking. Who's that 'thief' anyway? Who is she? Whatever you are, I'll kill you and Pyeha will be mine. Forever.

*Y/n's POV

I was training my sword by myself. I wish Jin Oppa come and help me a bit. I'm training more and more, restless. Then, I accidentally trip my own foot. I closed my eyes and ready to get hit by the surface on the ground, but I feel nothing. I also can feel a pair of hands on my waist. I open my eyes slowly, to see him. "You're okay, Y/n?" He asks, while still holding my waist. " Y-Yeah, thanks." He helps me get back on my feet and I ask him to sit down. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I have something for you." Then, I saw Taehyung ride on his horse with big two bags behind him. Taehyung gets off from his horse and brings the bags to me. He put the bags down and I open to see what's inside. It's a hamamelis leaf. H-How did have all this? It's very difficult to search for these goodies. "It's good for treating all your wounds and your bruises. I noticed there a lot of bruises on your neck."

"Oh, thank you so much. Y/n?" I hummed. "Have you ever thought of meeting Emperor Joseon? "

"Emperor Joseon? Yeah.... or no. I don't know, but I heard that the emperor is very hideous. No one has ever seen his face. Not even his name. Some people said he's shy and some people said he hates affection."

"W-Wait, the emperor hates affection?" He asks, and I can sense a hint of anger in his voice.

*Yoongi's POV

Who the heck is cursing behind me as their Emperor? Who?! "W-Wait, the emperor hates affection?"

"I don't know, but I want to not believe it." She said, which is make me more relieved."But...." She raised her voice a bit. " If he did, I believe there's a hurtful reason to hate the affection that he deserves. Like, lost you've loved no ones that give a lot of affection before they die. Am I right?" I shocked by her words. Then, I slowly nod. "Yeah." Then, the day goes back normal. Chatting with her a bit, training sword with her. Not gonna lie, she's skilled. When it's dusk, I head back to the palace with Taehyung.