Eps 02 : practice

They each introduced themselves to Nagisa.

"h is to choose his master by itself, maybe you are in select by that hour." said Nagisa.


{ Nagisa [ Age : ? th ] [ Height : 185 cm ] [ Weight : 30 kg ] }


"So how do I bring up the objects clotted it?" asked Kafi while pointing Clot the Water.

"easy lah, stay here" said Nagisa,

the five of them astonished to see such a wonder.

"actually you can, even exceeding mine"

"wait-wait! what does that mean we can, we not experiment your right" said Sasa,

"tadikan I explain h itumemilih you guys, so you guys can use these hours, cool lo power" while bring up the fountain of his hand.

Nagisa was opened the door and said

"you go back first, tomorrow you will me teach"

"our way back here how" said Silver

"see you tomorrow" the door opens we get out of the house, without conscious we are in our place disappear earlier.

Kafi Faid and Arif immediately took the bike and returned home to her grandmother's house.

While the Silver soon ran back to her parents ' home, Sasa was back in front of the mall, and then immediately go back to his home.

The next day ...

In the morning they woke up and do the activity as usual.

Kafi, Faid and Arif wake up in the morning and then immediately bathe in the river behind his grandmother's house, after their bath they had breakfast in front of the tv

Silver woke up in the morning exercise then breakfast and a hurried bath

Sasa wakes up in the morning and help mother prepare breakfast, then eat together and rushed a shower.

Because of the school holidays, they relax and forget about the incident yesterday. Nagisa who saw her from the pool to be furious, and fuck them, at a time when they are asleep asleep because of the wind gusts, nagisa was moving them to the middle of the forest. The night arrives, they awaken and confusion, they realize that they have forgotten their promise with Nagisa, they run to and fro, yet they feel dizzy because the road looks the same.

" it's gotta be him" said Arif,

"it means we are deliberately, played by him," said Sasa

They continue their journey, suddenly the ground moves vertically, they fell into the river, Nagisa greeted them from above, they also apologized.

Nagisa also told them to shower immediately and then ask them to stay in his home, after eating Nagisa explains about natural history "first there are 3 largest natural ie : mortal, narka, heaven, 3 the creature to be the leader and owner of the mortal realms, naraka and swarga, but the mortal go somewhere and leave his responsibilities, and it came to pass terrible things in the mortal realm, you've heard the history of disambiguation!"

"the incidence of terrible in the universe" said Silver

"yeah maybe almost the same with the big bang, reportedly the it was Mortal, but it's still a myth, even the astronomy already proved logically about the incident." after that Nagisa asks them to sleep, because tomorrow they will be practicing the power of h such

The next day ...

"Why should I, Huh..." while sighing

"continue on, less 5 rounds again" to the full fain to run in the morning, lamented pissed out by they, but they fixed it.

'As if I'm lost in it if I'm able to survive here.'

"At least I try first huh.." said Arif feel tormented.

after the run we were asked to warm up,

"in fact, we are already overheated." Said Faid

"enough get here quick you shower, then eat, then more exercise"

"like my mother told-told in the morning" said Sasa

"we better do it" said Kafi

"It's fucking freezing out the water, but tasty seger" said Silver

after eating and bathing Nagisa took us to the edge of the river and told us to sit in the middle of the river

"just sit there and don't move, this exercise peace" said Nagisa

"the area of this place" said Silver

"yes, really" said Kafi,

5 minutes later "cold, udahan yuk" said Sasa,

"later, nagisa how?" said Faid,

"ah let it be," said Kafi,

"it's Wise of the last there," said Silver, saw Arif sitting relaxed under a shady tree while drinking coconut water.

"great you yes" said Kafi with pissed up, arif was standing and said "do you guys want, that there are a lot of, take already" said Arif, with annoyed go to sit down into the water, they also take coconut water and drink it "fresh too" said Faid, not long later, Nagisa back and see them drinking coconut water casually, he glanced at the one who alone practice

"good of you yes, stay a while already drinking, clay was your friend, why are you guys not okay to copy him"

The five of them annoyed and furious look at the vagaries of arif.

They were in law ran 5 rounds of the yard, Nagisa invited Arif to his home, and told him to pick up a book.

"you go to the room I grab a pile of books it, and bring it here"

He also found a unique and then open it he did not understand the contents of the book with curiosity, arif open each sheet of the book "see you not his!" said Nagisa, arif was surprised and then immediately bring the pile of books, and gave it to Nagisa,

"master, this is what book, the language is strange"

"where are you!, leave it to me, this is not a toy, this important book, call a friend you" arif was immediately call the four of them, in the minds of Nagisa he thinks how can it be Expedient to know the content of the book.

"sit there," said Nagisa

"what do we do here."

"silence all, now I'll explain about the clock you,

H mu rif colored white and gray it means you have the power of the wind.

You enjoyed dark blue and red that is your power lightning.

And faid his colors are red and black that is fire.

You two are the color brown means ground land and silver white color blue means ice.

Now you know I'm right."

"so we've got the power of the elements yes," said Kafi

"now we exercise our elements" said Arif

"yes, but remember the strength you used to help" said Nagisa

The five of them listening to every word nagisa, but arif still think of that book,

"rif, fast, spaciousness, a bit," said Nagisa.

Arif was rushed to the field, and see the vagaries of his joy.

"like what yeah training" said Faid,

"yes, I'm curious" said Silver

Nagisa also give an example of its power, the sky began to darken the air blows strong, the water begins to drip from the sky one by one, little by little the rain was pouring down but the rain water does not fall to the ground and lumpy share bubble when Arif tried to touch the water, the water erupted like bubbles, the disciples were amazed, and Nagisa swung his hand, the sky was getting bright again, the blob of water he called the second movement of his hands, he focused the water in the form of a rod of water, and clasping the stem in the water and threw it into a tree, the tree was split, for a moment the disciples speechless, unable to to said, Nagisa was up the tree and absorb water in the tree, as a result, the tree withered quickly because of the shortage of water.

"water is my strength, what do you guys think" the students praised the greatness of Nagisa,

"if the water must be created in advance or on the take from something, what if the water comes from yourself" asked Arif with curiosity, because Nagisa was thrilled he was showing it.

Suddenly, Nagisa felt dizzy, but she remained upright, and began to deliver his speech "you guys now straighten your hands like this, don't move your feet in widen, this exercise to strengthen the muscle foundation you guys, I stay a while yeah"

"good" said they.

Nagisa went to his room, and began to speak for themselves.

"achy also, for long like this" said Sasa.

Kafi try calling Arif many times, but he did not hear, the theme was trying to call him, he is still dreamy.

"what he thinks" said Silver,

"maybe he wants to make the act more" said Faid, a friend of his back called out to him, "what!" Arif was surprised.

"what are you doing a bit of"

"tonight come with me, get my books"

"what book" "there is, and unique"

"oh, is that why you daydream"

The disciples heard Nagisa speak for themselves with the upset, they went to see him and listen to his talk

"what do you mean .... open the Hospital is confirmed, there is a shortage of what the hell, you just take care of, the problem of the cost of what the word later, I was teaching here." said Nagisa then open the door, and terjatuhlah them.

"what are you" the disciples confusion to explain,

"last we heard you angry, that's why we're here, we're tired of practice so constantly, sore hands and our feet"

"we continue the exercise of his come out to the page"

In the courtyard outside of Nagisa asked the disciples to follow his movements, "both feet on tiptoes concentrate the load on the toes, and make a habit of walking with toes" and then nagisa called Sasa to teach basic techniques.

"first you have to concentrate the load in the palm of your hand and then you turn to the two your hand and hit the palm of the hand to the ground, trying to do" sasa was practiced as a result of the ground where he stood moving down vertically, "do it like a last punch to the top, it will make the soil rise to the top" as a result, Sasa successfully the hang of it, "you're going to develop itself"

the disciples were amazed at the strength of Sasa, Nagisa continued to invite them to the edge of the river, Silver was on the call and then asked him ilver to bend the ring finger and little finger, then focused his gaze to the water in the river, consequently the river became cold and froze slowly, Kafi and Faid amazed while praising Silver.

"you develop it yourself, the three of you follow me"

once in the forest Faid asked to rotate his hands and then makes the movement of the sow and throw as a result of the dry leaves begin to burn

"be careful not to burn the forest, you developed your own" said Nagisa, after that he went to invite Kafi and Arif out of the forest and stared at the sky, the sky began to dark black clouds blocking the sun, lift your hands make like a grasp then lower, petirpun snatched

"you develop it yourself, and also be careful in using it"

Nagisa brings the arif to the shady tree "but you made the movement blow" Arif did but nothing happened

"why don't appear" "

open up, you blow out right was out of the wind"

"but why not as good as the other"

"because of the strength of their tangible, while the wind is intangible, the wind where can can see, if you want to see the wind, yes we learn to see, later you can see the" arif did not understand what in mean by Nagisa, Nagisa was back in the house and monitor them with the orb,

Evening had arrived, they were asked back into the house, after a long workout, they immediately take a shower and eat and then rest.

"I've made a special technique," said Silver

"I'm trying to create a movement," said Kafi,

"good yes, master," said Arif, with envy

"so you haven't made a new technique"

"never mind the technique, a day of this I just blow, and no results"

"noisy!! Quick sleep there!" said Nagisa,


The next day

"wake up all of you, Now you're training again."

They went back to practice during the day, lunch had arrived they were on call by Nagisa back to the house.

"quick you guys pack up, guys, tomorrow is already back in school, how how many skil"

"nothing at all" said Arif.

They all stared at Arif with pity, they soon get ready, after getting them in the ask sitting by Nagisa

"you're a team so you guys should make the name of your team"

"it's up to the teacher alone" said Silver.

Nagisa was assented to then open a portal to where they previously were.

The five of them were entered and managed to get back, they explain to their parents, but no one to trust, they show their strength, but it is not appear, they yelled at because it disappears for 2 days.

Arif was returning home from her grandmother's house because of the wise lives in the city, arriving at the house of Arif at with a broom until it broke, because gone 2 days, and making her grandmother worry, Arif was annoyed and irritated go to your room and sleep, he remembers that he forgot to steal the book it's unique, yes, was staring at the clock strength, and hope

"how can I not like the others, what is meant by view"

"quick sleep school tomorrow"

The next day arif was late to school because of overslept, he was in the law by his teacher to clean the pitch black venue of the ceremony Monday, he also cleaned it for an hour lesson, Sasa see Arif being swept went up to her, "you go to school here also"

"yes, I also do not know if we are one school"

"why be punished?"

"late" Sasa was soon back to her, the teacher noted the name of Arif then sent him back to class, once in class, Arif directly working on the task, suddenly came the Nagisa spoke with the head of school, after the lessons of the Wise and Sasa in the call to the living room school and meet with Nagisa

"you will still get the value of the appropriate standard in this school, as long as you learn with me on the outside, you will study for approximately one year, and that you should not go home, the issue of parents, I take care of, it is important for you, and this world"

"teacher, you're just mendramatiskan his right"

"yeah the point is you should answer yes"

"what is this compulsion"


After negotiation, Nagisa go to the school Silver, Kafi, and Faid

Once agreed they were in teach her manners, and then made unconscious by Nagisa and taken to An Academi

To be continued ...