Eps 04 : Hourstrength


According to the promise after we graduated, we went to his house Nagisa.

Once there, the condition of the house empty, we decided to wait until he returns, because we got tired of waiting we exercise around the house.

"see it's mine" said Sasa while stomping and then turning the palm of the hand down, as a result of the land looming.

"huh mine" said Kahfi while lifting his left hand, then move down quickly and raised both his hands while down simultaneously as a result of a lightning strike.

"hi all of you, still healthy" we all were surprised to hear wedding spe Nagisa came from behind we also go to his house and then provide proof of the value of the results of the exam Academi

"they all don't know yes, about the presence of us"

"Really we're not invincible"

"look man, how stupid" see Sasa with his friend from the orb "all right man that's stupid." Feel much more powerful than them.

"Arif still can't master the strength but he stays persistent, he relied on his physical as of his strength" Nagisa was laughing at Arif

"why is the value you nothing fitting the average," said Nagisa,

"it's because of the teacher, which does not fit the average in the teaching" said Arif

"why are you even blame the teacher" said Nagisa.

After joking bantering Nagisa was asking us to sleep.

At that time Arif difficulty to sleep he also walk in the yard and saw Nagisa then approached him.

Arif also told me up in the morning, with a serious Nagisa listen to the dreams that are seen Arif, in the morning came the officers facing Nagisa said "the emergence of monsters in the city park" Nagisa asked Arif to wake her friends to cope with these monsters.

"Why so quiet yes" said Silver,

"I don't know, we find that creatures don't split up, stay together," said Arif,

They walked slowly round the garden of the city, up in the park fountain they meet with the monsters that they are looking for.

"it's a squid or an octopus," said Faid,

Kahf immediately forward while throwing small lightning at him,

but the creatures that eat it.

"hi monsters, I'm Arif, who are you" a friend was surprised to hear the speech of Airf, "what are you doing instead of acquaintances" said Sasa,

"o well, my name is sanah"

"uh, that creatures respond to"

"this Kahfi, Faid, Silver, and Sasa, greetings," said Arif,

His were see the reaction of Arif with these monsters.

And then sanah throw the ink in our direction, you wouldn't expect such inks are acidic, we even try to avoid it, when we tried to surround him he attacked us with lightning in throwing kafi that time.

"Better, we are directly kill, later when Nagisa, know the dangers," said Faid, "why ?"

"cook don't you see, the garden is destroyed" said Sasa show the condition of the park.

Silver also freeze a park bench and then break it and use it as a skateboard

"damn, makes me jealous" said Arif see action Silver,

Sasa was moving forward and then hollow out the ground to trap sanah, "Silver brought here," said Sasa

Silver was the fishing, Kahfi was to follow him while attacking with the lightning, after entering Sanah into the hole, Silver also freeze the hole and make it burn from the inside, Faid made a trap of Lava in the hole, after the hole is closed Faid was releasing such a trap, and burn Sanah by itself.

Arif was getting up from the bench to walk see into a the hole and said "now you've lost it" suddenly appeared Sanah flying past the hole is blurred away.

"great, can translucent" said Arif amazed by the action of Sanah,

"you does not help," said Sasa,

"how do you want to help, if you play alone"

"hahahaha, next time I'm back" said Sanah go away

"bye" said Arif respond to the greeting Sanah

"behind come on," said Silver When I got home Nagisa, we were yelled at for failing to catch Sanah also destroy a Garden City.

In the evening, Arif is still difficulty to sleep, he would walk in the home page of Nagisa, Nagisa was meliihatnya was passing by, he called Arif, Arif was approached Nagisa sitting alone in front of the terrace,

"sit here"

"beautiful yes the moon is it, do you think Nagisa how ?" said Arif

"really beautiful, although only a glimpse," said Nagisa

"this world has changed yes"

"what do you mean yes?" asked Nagisa

"how can there be enemies like sanah"

"the name of the enemy it had been there since the first" Arif was Apologize.

"why are you sorry"

"somehow, I just want to do it"

First I was thinking this is the end for me, but there comes a help me protect this world, by saying 'if I die first, I will not be able to see the magic that will happen in the future' do you know world war

"I never heard it in school" Nagisa was laughing at him

"the war was in school, it is just war between different schools with a war what I mean" replied Nagisa

"Means the rest of the world also involved?" asked Arif

"more than that probably"

"means I'm stuck in the scope of another world"

"if you think you are stuck to what I care about you, you've been chosen by destiny, I open the trap, I'm just helping you, Great sage once told me that I have a student that will be a disaster"

"So Mahaguru, it is your teacher"

"you could say so"

"if so why did you choose us to be your apprentice"

"I'm vacillating, between choose to have pupils or not have pupils, I decided to have it with how to educate my students correctly, my sister also believe that destiny can change, how about you promise about the destiny that can change"

"all right, I promise, I will prove that destiny can be changed had to be evidence" to hear the speech of Arif, suddenly Nagisa was memuluknya.

"I just want to obliterate the war even with the war," said Arif

"just be yourself" said Nagisa while hitting the chest Arif.

Nagisa to his room and lay on the bed with clenched hands facing the roof he said

"look sis, I find the students that will be a disaster, but if he really be a disaster, why is his dream and his hope is so beautiful, he wants peace, I'm sure kak, he is able to, it's all just a matter of time" Muttered Nagisa remember about the dream that said Wise time in the Academy started since then Nagisa promised himself that he would endorse Arif for the future.

"so what do we do with this human"

we just kill all the man"

"true we have our revenge"

"they should all die, because you dare to kill our family"

"hey .. is talking what you, interesting really"

"shut up, you! Go there! Don't interfere"

"why do you hate humans"

"go" is in the darkness with the roar of the wind that cools saw the light that was flashing alternately.


"not yet boss"

"search no more! Quick!" with a loud yell electrify the place of the "good boss" the boss is gone leave them,

"we have to hurry this, later chairman of the boss angry again, we hit"

"so soon find him, and kill the man"

"the troops immediately search again"

"ready!" the search is back underway, slowly a bright light marching away out out.

To be continued...