Eps 06: Closed

Because regret, Nagisa decided to meet the team of SOS and apologize for his attitude, the Cave was along the theme of excusing the deeds of Nagisa, but Nagisa insisted confirmed that Arif is in danger, listen to the greeting Nagisa Kahfi has expressed actual secret that has been hidden by the Wise, "is actually Wise it has mastered the element of Angin to her of our elements, he also managed to exceed our strength, but he does not want others to know because then he was always silent." hear the words of the Cave, Nagisa immediately check the records of the mission of the team SOS, he was aware of the recall of each there is a mission team of Arif always calm, and let the theme act, Nagisa has expressed the real fact about the position of Arif.

"if he can already say strong by you, no other reason for me to hide this from you." Nagisa gave a photo album to them.

"he is my brother, he holds the position as the Devil to 6, and arif who became his successor as the Devil to the 7," said Nagisa.

"so that's why you worry" said Faid

"now it's clear the reason they kidnapped Arif" said Sasa

Hear the position of Arif kahfi feel guilty, Nagisa was him saying "no one knows about its position, perhaps"

"if so the Wise can survive, he's a Devil to the 7," said Silver trying to encourage his friends.

( The other side of the )

"report boss" said the kidnapper.

"why did you let him get away!" said one of the iblis under the cover of darkness.

( The other side of the )

With a sense of dizziness Arif tried to open his eyes, he also feel strange when see the condition of the place where he stood.

"great yeah, you managed to survive from their" voice of the unknown also exclaimed in the ear of the Wise.

"I will help you, the rest depends on you" suddenly came a glimmer of light menderang quickly, to make blind the eyes of Wise for a moment, Arif was dropped falls to a place filled with darkness.

The more in the dark, until the restless were simply unthinkable by Arif, all the radiant aura of cold constantly leads to Arif, because that's the body of Arif stiff helpless, feel right the cold air enveloped his body and he felt lonely because he had already dropped down into the hole that is endless.

with a long time, because glued by the cold makes Arif difficulty breathing and moving, when he moves his eyelids he saw the light that signified the bottom of the hole, Arif was dropped to the surface of the soil, which is gently, slowly his body began to be in the movement of the sun that bathes her body make it able to move he saw the beautiful atmosphere that stretches wide.

Arif was running down the hills, through the woods, to see the countryside

With a sense of fun, he was rushed up to the village.

Once there he saw strange things done by every citizen of the village.

Arif also ignore the actions of these citizens, but one of the residents approached Arif, with the fear of Arif left the village.

( The other side of the )

��what should we do now" said Faid

"surrender, and anyway we already know who he is, is not," said Nagisa.

"why is your nature changed drastically," said Kahfi.

"were you worried, now..." said Sasa

"Arif once said, nothing is impossible in this world, because all the impossible will become possible.. for that we leave it to Arif, we had to act there's no point, she's nowhere, in vain we seek," said nagisa that suppress them.

Nagisa was going to leave them back to the room.

"I hope he find a way back" muttered Nagisa.

"to hear you say that, means she's fine" sounds not in the know end up in the room.

"yes, he's fine, I don't know how, but he's fine"

( The other side of the )

"quickly looking for the boy," said the iblis not in the know under the darkness.

the "good boss" said the kidnapper.

See any suspicious actions in the current time, Sang Waktu as the owner of the time manifest themselves and said

"why do you go around using my place, I'm not gonna let you interfere with his plan"

The kidnapper was a blur disappear into nowhere.

"I hope this is according to the agreement" said Sang Waktu.

( The other side of the )

Arif was leaving the village strange is that in which its citizens take a human carcass and headed to the edge of the river, while Arif feel there is a presence of another he was pretending not to notice it and drank the water,

After drinking Arif see the reflection of someone from the river Arif put his face into the river to wash it, he approached the tree to take off his clothes and bathing in the river.

After the bath he was drinking the river water by dipping his hand while holding the water and then pull it and throw it to the top of the tree. Quickly someone the jump and avoid it.

He clapped his hands, walked over to arif saying

"it's great in you, my name is S3" with a smile to greet him.

hear the name of the S3 Arif directly jump to the edge of the river and create a blockade of water, and ask

"you star to 3 ?" S3 disappeared and then unconsciously is behind Arif "you know where" Joe was surprised, because can not read his movements, also felt his presence.

Arif was using the element of water and then smashes the blockade of water leads to the S3 but with easy S3 fend off the attack arif.

Arif also apologized because he just wanted to make sure that he is S3.

"why now you believe that I'm the S3"

"because according to the written"

S3 also forgive him and invite Arif to his cabin when there are many victims, and dead bodies, Arif was surprised to see many dead bodies scattered about.


{ S3 [ Age : 18 years old ] [ Height : 90 cm ] [ Weight : 14,1 kg ] }


Arif asked, "what has happened to the war" S3 explained that there is a war of the invisible, hear the words of S3 Arif was given a history that he ever learned while in the academy.

S3 was asked Arif to rest, "if you want, tomorrow can join the war"

Arif was assented demand S3 because curious with the opponent which is called invisible.

The next day, Arif woke up in the morning staring at the sun rose, S3 was him and said,

"this war will not be over, still want to go to this war" Arif agree, but in the feeling of the S3, he does not want to Arif following the war because he realized that Arif is not derived from the era.

They were both heading to a place of war was once there.

S3 ask Arif wait here, S3 was going to the front lines to meet the general "general I leave this war to you, there are important things I have to do" the general replied with a gallant "well, your majesty" the blink of an horse slide quickly while slashing the warrior opponent

"sorry long wait, let's go up here" hands arif was in drag forced to ride the horse along with his and go backwards towards the forest.

"where are we going, what with the war" S3 did not care about his words Arif keep the focus headed in the forest.

Arriving on the coast of the river, they stop, then immediately got down from the horse. S3 was releasing the horse, to drink the water in the river.

"why don't we go over here , the war how ?" while cleaning his sword with water, S3 was standing and slashing the water unexpectedly cut its forming a dragon of tangible water gushed, Arif was amazed to see the beauty of a rainbow caused by the overflow of the water "there are things important than this war" Arif was confused "ha, you mean?" asked Arif.

he put his sword into the presence of Arif

"you, the important thing was" with a quick S3 cut with his sword, but the Wise tripped on a stone, and managed to avoid his slash, Arif was immediately run escape from the S3.

S3 was the chase with the quick while cutting the trees ahead, to the dismay of Arif ran "why him, second he is one of Nagisa" muttered arif, in his mind are met with the question with the panting he ran away from the S3 but he stopped at seeing the abyss.

S3 was not seen, but not in thought he jumped down from the tree and surprise Arif "want to run to where you, disastrous"

Because there is no option Arif was jumping into the abyss, but with alacrity S3 slide to the bottom of the chasm quickly and be the first up on the surface, he was upholding the sword of his leads to Arif, as if he was ready to stab Arif, shortly Arif saw him he closed his eyes, and avoid it with cunning as the wind blows, S3 smiled to see the actions performed Arif.

He laughed "you're finally using your powers also"

With lesuh and weary Arif lying in a pile of dry leaves.

"Rest a while, I'll find you some food" S3 went in search of the animals to in a hurry, Arif was standing looking at the S3 that go.

To be continued ...