Eps 10 : Early on beyond reason

"what do you mean challenge them," said Putra

"this is the only last option if you still want to get away"

The three of them headed towards the east of the city

"how the jin can appear" said Putra

"I'm just following the directives of Arif"

'he, who is he ?' in her mind Putra

"but how?" said Putra

"it was Arif told me to go to the park and put objects slimy, are not aware of the jinn appeared and chased me I ran toward here, while viewing the other participants I'm hiding in the shadow of the genie and throw the object."

"so what is that thing"

"like it salt so"

"it's been over with already, quick you throw the ball your fire to that bird"

"why ?"

"throw fast"

Putra threw a ball of fire, and the bird fell.

Momentary display in the monitor disappears, Arif was pulling wings of the bird, and swing of the bird.

"Sadist at all" said Kage

Arif felt the gusts of wind of the wings of the bird.

"let's go"

"why is he"

"just come"

They continued the journey and arrived in the east of the city, they entered the building that have not been destroyed, and go to the bottom floor.

They find jinanjing, and Arif approached him and touched him, and jinanjing down.

They were looking for a way, but not found.

there is "no way"

"is this the right way"

Arif also take the wand of jinanjing and break it into two, in the fault lines that stick out the purple liquid, Arif also makes the picture of the purple liquid that form a triangle with

"burn this stick, and hide in my shadow Kage"

Men also burn such sticks.

Then the smoke covered them and until one of them in the monitor.

Skyjin who saw the three of them in front of him surprised

"how can"


"now!" Kage enters the body Skyjin, and stop its movement.

"I don't interfere, please continue with the plan you"


Arif asked the Kage to be in his shadow, when I got in front of Skyjin, Arif asked for a little off stop the movement of the Skyjin, and Putra helped him.


"thank you for understanding" Arif went towards the mic and said

"welcome the three of you Arif, Kage and Putra has escaped."

Surya heard the sound of the feel happy.

"whereas the monitor is problematic, how are they" with a smile said naila, Silivan said "it was him" Silivan aware that Arif is not a regular participant.

Kage release Skyjin

"how can you"

"the bottom line is they get away, you can't shut them down"

Skyjin ask them to keep secret the things that they

"why, afraid of being found out no other way," said Arif

"not you, so that you in turn by your majesty" said Skyjin

The three of them agree to the treaty, and in between in the living room.

(living room)

"all right, I mentioned that got away, Naila, Surya, Silivan, Arif, Kage, and Putra, now you rest as the B-team you survive, tomorrow you're free, but the next day you continue on phase 2"

'so there's that other team'

Surya with a curious question Putra

Skyjin leave them.

Silivan approached Wise and said

"how did you do it"

the "secret" Arif went out and called chase Skyjin

"no need to what"

"if I could go back to the Alam Fana"

"if you escape, you can freely in and out of Alam sarpa and Alam Fana"

"thank you," Arif went back to the living room,

"from where," said Kage

Arif was just glanced at and went directly to his room.

"swagger really" said Surya

'I still don't know who she is' in her mind Putra

A few hours later they entered each of their rooms.

(The A-Team)

"I heard the B-team quite a lot that escaped"

"yes, he said there that get away without doing anything"

"yes, he said graduation just by looking at the"

The news of Kage, of Putra of Arif who escaped with a unique way has tersampai to the team next door.

The next day the participants were given time to rest a day.


(12.00 WJW)

"wih, in the morning there is already food," said Surya

"this food can eat it" said the Kage

"noisy really you guys" said the Putra

"here, put, eat together" said Surya

"the first bath I" said Putra

(13.00 WJW)

After the meal came the Skyjin

"sorry to disturb the rest time of you, where Arif"


"where are you from"


"listen well, to simplify, you guys divided into 2 teams, and the first team consisted of Arif, Kage, Putrato the second team Silivan, Naila, Surya.

This team, temporary team, will later on change again then.."

Arif raised his hand and said

"how to work the stage 2 how"

"you guys in the eliminations, we only need 10 undead, so you fight with a squad of other"

"how many squads?"

"consists of a squad of A-F you of the B-team"

"how many participants from each team"

"you can see it tomorrow, so that's it, have a good night rest"

Skyjin leave them.

Naila cool to play dolls stand heading into Arif and said

"so, what's next"

"what ?"

"better we follow you" said Silivan

"why ?" said Arif

"it seems you know this place" said Silivan

( NOTE : WJW = Waktu Jin Wetan )

"I agree if the Wise leader, yeah right Putra" said the Kage

"it's up to"

"it seems like he did great yes, it's fine if there's still hope"

"so how about it ? we agreed you to be the leader"

Arif sees the five of them, all the while thinking about their words, finally Arif agreed and meekly followed him.

'it seems they can be trusted, I'd better take advantage of them while there is a chance' "all right, but you don't become the barrier"

"so, how's the plan" said Surya

"clay tomorrow, right now I'm going to bed"

"it is still day"

"just let him do the things he want"

Arif was entering his room, and lay on top of her bed, while thinking of plans for tomorrow, he suddenly get an idea and immediately get out of the room.

"I got an idea, so listen, and follow if you want to come back to life"

They also agreed with the plan Wise.

And decided to move on now

Afternoon had arrived, they returned to the living room B-team, and get to bed early for the evening exercise.

'Planning in should work, I hope they are easily trained so as not to become a burden for me' Arif was soon asleep.

(27.00 WJW)

The night arrived, they had been waiting for, not long afterwards, Arif was out of the room.

"so how's practice," said Kage

"we're out" said Arif

They go to the front page.

"now show me, you" said Arif

"it looks like tomorrow, we will see the identity of the participants"

"what are you planning" said Skyjin

"no, I'm just curious with them"

The devil went died Skyjin, skjin immediately toward a noble to meet Prejin.

In his travels, he saw the B-team was practicing.

Once there Skyjin said "sorry, your highness below the amount of data to participants who successfully passed the"

"so what's the plan tomorrow"

"tomorrow entering stage 2, participants will against other participants"

"all right, I'll come by tomorrow to see them"

"ready your highness"

Skyjin leave the place.

'I'm curious with his pupil great sage, I hope he expectations no holds barred in her mind Prejin.

The son was trying to gather his strength by meditating, while the Kage tried to move quickly by entering the shadow of every object around.

Solar focus shots on each target, with the speed with which accurate, naila tried to make the doll as much as possible, Silivan attempts to control the control area of the moss.

"what about her, she is telling us to exercise, but her"said Putra

"we better keep practicing, he has his reasons"

They all keep practicing for 4 full hours.

(32.00 WJW)

"that's enough here."

"so what is your reason for telling us to practice, but you"

"listen, the reason I told you to practice, because I want to see the power you guys are, like, so now we're back into the"

"he, the intent of the plan this afternoon what yes"

"ha, oh last to the trigger, the better you sleep, so tomorrow is not too late at the exam stage 2"

"he's still mysterious as usual," said Silivan.

They soon entered his room, and sleep.

to be continued ...