Eps 14 : The Fate Of The Other

Until one day, my parents went bankrupt and I lost my charisma my parents also sold me, in my mind 'how could they, although I'm not the biological children of their' after the sale I in buy by traders, and I serve as the man who lost his pride, my life changed drastically when with good I ask a thing, now not anymore, when I told the waiter, now I am a waitress, and now my life is suffering, eating rotten food from the trash, and sleeping in a sewer, then a tool by the employer, my life is not much more than slaves, actually, I can just use my maya to master it all but, I'm celebrating

by Arif in order not to rely on things that are owned.


Name : Silivan

Age : 5th

Maya : Sucking

Status : Undead


Somehow his words made me afraid of the things happening in my future, but I'll hang on to my survival this.

Until there is a man who wants me, and I buy expensive, I was taken by it with the wood package and send to overseas, while this servant opened it, and introduced to its owner.

"this is mr. according to Your request"

"what's your name" said the handsome man asked me.

"my name is Silivan"

Si this handsome man told the waiter to deliver me to the bathroom and told me to take a bath, he also gave me a decent outfit.

After finished taking a bath I was brought by the waiter to see him.

The handsome man was smiling with happy

"This is much prettier, let's sit down"

When I want to sit on the floor, he forced me to sit on the couch

I was rejected, because of different degrees

"I need, you're my guest, good baseball I if you're sitting brought"

I begged permission to sit down on the couch with him.

"it's been a long time, I looked for you, but still not see you, you rarely appear in the news, but the news about you trying to save another human being sounds broad, I don't know how you how"

In my mind I'm thinking, 'what's to talk about this man, anything is possible... where possible he knows I'm Undead, but...'

"you mean save it how ya"

"one of my friends managed to catch you in action"

He pulled out his laptop and shows a video 2 years about I save the small village of jin'gila.

"it's you, I know you're trying to hide this so as not to occur the things horrendous but why now you stop doing this"

"I don stop but no Time to do it, my parents sold me and I had difficulty doing it"

"good riddance reason is absurd, I don't think you want to do it, so can I help you, save the people"

"why ?"

"do I need a reason to do good"

"but man will not do it as good as this"

"I used to suffer the same as you, until I was invited to invest by my teacher, and he taught me that one kindness rewarded 1000 good vice versa one evil reply 1000 of the crime, the intent of my teacher, please do not hesitate to do good, because the return will be doubled, because that's what I want to do good as much as much"

"may" with a smile I answer, and felt relieved, somehow the action into a task, give me a second chance, I feel happy to be reborn as Undead.

Somehow when I woke up I feel like I know them all.Here I am reborn as a human, which holds a great responsibility, like this.

"boss, this chart of the stock we"

How lucky of me holding this position,

"good, keep"

After finished working, I went back to the house, and somehow I know my house is located.

Once there, my wife and my Son greeted me with a smile.

I was hugging both of them.


Name : Kage

Age : 30th

Maya : Shadow

Status : Undead


It has been 2 weeks I feel the happiness while this is, why I said this is temporary, because this in my mind, I've made the mistake of taking over the role of another human being.

In July end I also collect the my employees, and pay them all with a 3x, then I fire them all.

After the meeting is finished, I got a bad feeling, I immediately came home, and somehow on my way home felt long.

My feelings began to get all mixed up, and I'm at home, I heard my Son crying, I quickly entered the house.

And my wife was gone, blood stained in her, made me mad, 'maybe I'm not their family, but I've been considered family by them' I also take my Son away from the house there and drove to the orphanage, then I went back to the house, but the police have to come first I'm arrested, then in court.

Due to lack of evidence, and in the presence of my prints in her outfit my wife I was in a put to prison, once in prison I was given the clothes of the prisoner, and locked up in cells, 2 days have passed, I was tired of living like this, 'if indeed I stated as the villain, the more I become the villain' but it's just a thought sesaatku I use the rest of the mayaku to escape from the prison, with how the police approached me, I made a blacked out, then enter the shadow, when the police, has completed watch and shift this cop was out of the office to go home soon, I was soon blurred, but because this dress, I was looking for a clothes shop, during the night and stole it.

After finished changing clothes and looking for a snack, I immediately go browse color black, 'my burden as the boss, has been completed, and my burden as a husband and father, has been completed, Time to run this task, traveling around the world to eradicate a Jin'gila, and find Arif.

Somehow I have to bear this burden, not I was born as the Son of a modest family, but why should I die again,

After passing through the Alam trails, I was reborn as a child, in a simple family, I lived happily with my sister,

After the father came home from work we were greeted with a smile happy, hugging each other as a family in general, my routine is quite simple, in the morning I helped father grow vegetables in the fields where the father earning a living, while my sister, help my mom sell roving, until the day we went home together, and get home, that's our everyday life, and on holidays like Saturday and Sunday we went to the nearby beach, for the holidays even though our life is mediocre as this, we do not feel it difficult, and we hope this happiness last forever, but 3 months later.

Difficult things happen to us, and the father also lost his job, I was trying to cheer up dad with a massage "patient well, it is better to help the mother"

Any father help the mother, selling around until one day there came a rich merchant offered him a job on the dad, when dad heard it was my father immediately accept it, but after 2 weeks of this dad's always tired, doesn't mean I don't want to massage her, I was curious is there with his job.

The next day I decided to follow the father, who was leaving for work, once there, I saw hard work, where workers are forced to do bad things such as turning the rodi machine is relentless with the threat of no salary, even parents were also forced to do things that are not balanced with his body.

I'm looking for my father and found him he is being to filter dirty water with a hose, by way of suctioning them out with his mouth, I was heartbroken, when I came to, I was in the lift by the merchant when I'm angry, the father came and scolded her, I was not received, the father was fired, without any salary at all.

The father was with a smile home with me,

"why didn't you get the money"

"we are in salary after a year of work"

With the annoyed look of her, my dad already works 2 months without pay, then fired.

When I got home, my mom was crying and the sister was trying to comfort the mother.

When the night arrived I went to see the merchant and threatened to give money, the merchants were laughed off, I burned the plant with mayaku, when the merchant was angry, he shows his true form that Jin'Lintah and attack me, because my body is small, I can easily avoid it, but when I burn his body, he ran to the direction to my house, quickly I come back, but the father has none, and the mother in a state of dying to protect the sister, with upset and angry I was to kill him, but jin'lintah this splitting, and kill the sister, any mother has asked me to protect the sister, but I failed, I killed Jin'gila with the burning fluid, and he was actually splitting then I get killed by it, in my last breath, I can't think of the fate of my brother, in my vision, I saw my sister say "until we meet again mas"