Eps 16 : The Previous Generation

A month later, the return of the S3 with other

"sorry long wait," said S3 Confusion because it does not look Wise at all, he moves to and fro "rif, Arif, here, not there, where is he huh"

"what might that be, I felt the presence of there" said the S4

"this (while pointing) pile of leaves is" S3 was cleaning the leaves, and the discovery of the Wise are silent and rigid.

D4 does anything to Arif, and the flow of blood moving again, 2 minutes later Arif was relieved, then angry-angry to S3.

"What took you so long, I almost died, because of the silent"

"yes, who said" with the feel no guilt.

"so what about the war" said Arif

"yes it is, oh yes this I bring a great, that will help me educate you"

Arif also introduced himself, by telling him of the future.

See the reaction of those who are Just speechless, Arif was concluded that they believe in the words himself.

The S3 also introduces them to Arif, and Arif was just speechless, but in his mind 'so this is the previous generation, I'd better not talk much'

"so she are you talking about S3"

"yes, he is, I implore you all teach him (by patting the shoulders of Arif) master of science forbidden"

D5 was approached Arif, and said "she has potential, but it will be painful, how ?"

"if it can indeed take me back I follow"

"oh, so you want to go back to your time" said D3

"yes, I want to go back"

"can I ask you something, and I hope you're going to be honest, how do you face your death someday"

"I accept and I'm ready to be responsible for my life," said Arif

"all right, I'll teach wonderful things, but after we saw you fighting against us, attack us with the entire ad...."

Quickly Wise move, and threw the S4 was thrown away,

"it looks like he began seriously," said D5

When the S4 was thrown quickly Arif is located in the back of the D3 and then slashing his back, but D3 is aware of the existence of Arif then threw it far into the direction of the mountain,

"you seriously throw it that far" said S3

"if he is indeed powerful he should be able to.." with malignant Arif

Move quickly while firing at D3 with fire, from the sky

D5 saw him was "he's using the wind with the fire, could he be a diagram"

"it is better to pay attention to your opponent," said Arif with a sardonic eye while cut off the neck of the D5 but the D5 turns into liquid "I don't feel the wound at all from you," said D5

S4 went back and said "well you worthy of being my apprentice, can I ask you one thing why are you not attacking the S3"

"easy, because you have never fought him, so I know he will not be bothering me in this fight."

"so the point you can feel where who want to kill, and which are not"

"you could say so"

"correct I said he is not ordinary people, when I try menipiskannya, with ease he dodged it"

"let me first teach him" said the S4

Arif was on his knees in front of his S4 and said "thank you, have accepted me"

S4 and Arif was running down the hill and stay there.

"so we're alternating so, teaching" said D5

"maybe, let's see the result" said S3

"sorry if presumptuous, how S4 can see"

"I'm indeed blind, but it's just my eyes, while my other is fine"

The next day

Arif was returning from the river "was up S4"

"Usually I often call people by the title kisanak, if I may call you that name"

"it's up to me if I"

"okay from now on I will call you by kisanak"

"so we will practice what" while putting the bucket.

"Time, kisanak would know that Time what is right"

"so right there yes"

S4 lifted his hand and bending the fingers 4 of his fingers and left is one finger that is a thumb, Arif saw her confusion, then came the bird garuda brought the rolls.

S4 was open it and show it to Arif about the record of the Waktu.


Name : [ S4 ]

Age : 22th

Status : Lives in his time

Experts : Time Manipulation


"his name is Sang Waktu he is the one who has the duty to maintain and set the Time"

"so we have to ask permission from him"

"no need, kisanak know what it is the science of the forbidden"

"the science of which is prohibited"

"the reason of its forbidden knowledge is because it possessed only by Sang Waktu, and I'm not supposed to have it, and matakulah which became the stakes, when I was studying this science, I'm in the law not to see"

"So because of that yes, sorry to ask a personal matter S4"

"I mean, when you learn this, kisanak will not lose the eye, but it kisanak know, Sang Waktu it's strong, be careful when you meet him, kisanak should be self-aware, that kisanak was the only copy the abilities of the original owner"

"allright S4"

"now kisanak stand up straight and feel everything flow around, muster all the senses kisanak, and feel what kisanak feel"

Come Kage in the room Arif

"full of the usual"

"I like it weird"

"so the important thing what you want to say"

"oh, you know I want to say important things"

"Silivan out of the room with annoyed"

"so because of that yes, actually this way, next time you're in the human world, hide forever, and look for the information about the existence of the whole human being also jin, but do not forget your duty, then you can't live again"

"ok, so that's it"

"for now that's all, please call Putra"

"Moving in secret is very difficult for me, but Arif seems to know something."

"Oh there's a genie in this crowd, I better be his shadow and take him away."

Secar slowly Kage enters the shadow of every person to be in front of the shadow of the jin.

"as usual the dead creatures, which may have its shadow"

Kage has become his shadow and follow jin to approach a small child and eat it, "but before that, you used to be dead"

Kage was making jin man lost consciousness and move into the river in the suburbs, jin man was splashed in the river Kage also killed him with a choked him once in the make sure that Jin can't move Anything else stabbed him with the nail cutter that he had. "useful also objects to this"

Then Kage came out of the river that the community saw her with a strange.

Kage was running looking for a dark place and then replace his clothes with clothes stolen he was soon looking for a place to stay, because he is exhausted a day using his virtual, to become a shadow.

"how it feels" said the S4

"maybe not yet, I just feel calm temporarily, and then there are the terrible things that bothers me in my mind, it is the same with when I meditate"

"all right, then, it is better kisanak find eat first, later tonight we proceed"

"how about this, if enough" while dragging the antelope horns.

After that S4 was cut into it slowly by touching it

'again-again the amazing things that I see'

"do I need to help your S4"

"Kisanak enough to light a fire"

Arif accumulate stem wood and then blow it out and give me fire already fire.

'so she's a diagram'

"do kisanak aware that kisanak a diagram"

"I don't know what is it a diagram, that D5 had a chance to mention it also"

"The Diagram, it has the ability to exceed the original"

"I just learn by watching, and when I try somehow I managed to"

"tomorrow kisanak will learn Time way beyond reason, after eating I suggest kisanak immediately to sleep, because tomorrow will be draining kisanak fully"

The next day S4 go nowhere, Arif was waiting for him to lunch, but never came, after the sky changed its color to orange come S4, but when questioned S4 just speechless.

Arif was made to fly into the sky, then past the ceiling up to mendekai atmospheric Arda but are not aware of Arif was already in the perfect place.


"so are you, which will be met by Sang Waktu" the man is ushering Arif go to the unit of the universe and shows the sky filled with stars beautiful, Arif amazed to see it.

"welcome to Altarisk, I am Sang Waktu," said Sang Waktu

Arif knelt down and said "nice to meet you, an honor to meet you"

"the man say you want to talk to me, no need to what"

"when you deign to allow me to borrow your strength, to be able to return to my"

"the desire of your own selfish, make yourself be excessive, but it's okay because you're a human being reasonable you are like that, beat me, I will give."

To be continued ....