Eps 22 : Sylph

Of yore, when the determination of the position and duties of Elders Roh is present in the imaging creatures of the Uns, while the Roh of the first elders of Roh created, the elders of the Roh was very respectful of the other beings, the task given by the creator to the elders of Roh is to keep all the cycles of the Roh gradually, from Ruth, Rukh and the Ruh , the elders of Roh was responsible in his duties, as Time passes, and the more the number of Uns, the elders of Roh the difficulty of managing such a task, and ask the Roh of the options to be of assistance in managing the Roh, when uns Angin beginning to create right the elders Roh also gave permission to release it because the elders of Roh feel Uns Angin was perfect as Uns other, but not in thought Uns Angin , instead of being a danger, and get off the command to negate the Uns the Angin carried, but there is one Uns Angin ran away and went into the Alam Roh, and hide in Donya Roh , while the Roh -the Roh of the choice elected as a help for the elders of the Roh , they are created again instead of the Uns, but from the image, Uns Angin also followed the ranks of such options, and when Uns the Angin be recreated, to be the image of, Uns Angin escape to Swarga and meet with the determinant, when you want to capture, the decisive say will be waived, the determinant also asked the creator to allow Uns Angin into the image in the pardon of his sins, the creator agree the origin of the Uns Angin that becomes the image of not telling about himself.


[ ~ Name : Elder Of Roh ~ ]

{ ~ Age : Kuadraliun ~ }

{ ~ Status : Being ~ }

{ ~ The Power : Secrets Of Nature ~ }


With the agreement the determinant gives all the input and show who are the creatures of the Uns, as know some of the isine Donya, Uns Angin be the Image of any move to Donya Roh which is in the Alam Roh, and be a citizen of Roh, Uns Angin has become the image of anything in the name Sylph, and asked to use the form of a little fairy.


[ ~ , Name : S4 ~ ]

{ ~ Age : 15 ~ }

{ ~ Status : life at a time ~ }

{ ~ Powers : the Time scale ~ }


Billions of light years and thousands of decades has passed, the Sylph were familiar with the environment, and try to attract the attention of the other Roh in Donya Roh , with picking on anyone.


[ ~ Name : D3 ~ ]

{ ~ Age : 19th ~ }

{ ~ Status : life at a time ~ }

{ ~ Strength : Parental inner ~ }


After finished eating we all were soon asleep, in the middle of the night Arif woke up and sat on the edge of the river while staring at the sky.

"not sleeping," said the S3 approach Arif, and then sitting next to him.

"just woke up"

"why, what is it, up the difficulty to sleep, try story"

"fairies in my dreams, it looks moody"

"why with Roh of it, not he that put you off with the changing weather"

"I think I will also do the same thing"

"the point"

Arif was standing by asserting "he's probably in the hate in his place, so he's trying to create issues so that anyone noticing"

"why do you say it like that"

"because I never feel it, when I can't do anything, I'm always trying to find the problem so nobody pay attention"

S3 was standing "you dare to say so because you never experienced the same thing with her, so"

"yes," with bowed head

"just calm down, the elders of Roh, the Roh of a wise man, he knows how to handle it, better go back to sleep, tomorrow it's my teaching" S3 go back and sleep, Arif was take a stone and throw into the river, then back to sleep.


[ ~ Name : D5 ~ ]

{ ~ Age : 10th ~ }

{ ~ Status : life at a time ~ }

{ ~ Strength : Diagram to elematary ~ }


The next day the general came to bring bad news, about the war that is approaching the end, opposing parties unite with thousands of human troops and a few humans who have been killed were back to life.

"there seems to be a use magic" said D3

"let our reliable"

"kisanak just focus on learning"

The three of them along with the general back to the battlefield, while Arif want to participate in prevent by S3, "you focus on learning the course" Arif also resigned.

"just calm down help three that's more than enough"

They were both practicing breathing how to hold your breath in the river as long as possible, "remember when humans breathe with lungs, try to remove the cycle," said S3

"huah.., huh.., huh..., how long"

"5 minutes only, the increase again"

��what exactly is that will in teach me"


Arif was surprised that was hold your breath and swallow water, Arif was out of the river because of the choke.

"use all your might, because..." S3 was hit Arif to bounce away, and terjatuhlah Arif to the bottom of the waterfall.


"why are dreamy!!!" S3 pull the leg Arif and slammed Arif

here and there and then throw into the waterfall

"you really want to kill me"

"yes, then from the opponent I"

For the sake of avoiding death, Arif uses the elements, the S3 with a quick-hitting stomach Wise, when Wise was thrown, Arif use element the land to make the wall behind him, but to Layer to 5 Arif new stops thrown, Arif uses the elements of water from the river and smashes into the S3, but with easy S3 penetrate the water and hit the head of the Arif, but Arif avoid it, with the vision of the wind, 'if you keep this up my body will be destroyed all the' Arif said in his mind, Arif was escape.

Arif uses the elements of fire and burn the forest while blurred with the force of the wind, while S3 is stuck, in a blaze of Arif prepare a large hole, quickly S3 through the forest also stop the blaze, while Arif saw him Expedient was hit S3 with beam ground to the bottom of the hole and spilled a blob of water, then close it, but the S3 kicked it easily last hit with the blade of his hand Arif was losing his pulse "is quite strong, able to fight and think, but nothing compared to me" S3 was holding Arif to the nearby waterfall, and interesting granular particles of the water to fix a broken bone, with granular particles of the water and the ground, a broken bone has to regenerate and successfully re-connect, S3 was biting his hands and dripping from his mouth, then biting the finger of his thumb run marking his forehead Arif, and make a loop, then a shadow appears and attractive body Wise in the ground and buried in the ground, then comes Arif at the circle of blood, with stand-Arif opened his eyes. "welcome back to life" said the S3 with a smile.

"I'm already dead" with a surprised given the previous events.

"that's what will teach"

Arif was amazed that hear the words of it

"uh... die" Joe tried to joke, but the answer of S3 confirms the

"no, but turn that off"

Arif could not say a word and follow the S3 runs entered in the waterfalls, there are caves hidden.

To be continued ....