Eps 26 : Sang Kehidupan

The seizure of the throne, the war between the region's human, no matter how many times you guys keep defending you guys keep errors due to...........................

You've been dared to do a mistake since the beginning you created, originated when man first unconsciously against the command, and continue to man the two directly opposing the orders, but why..............

Sang Pencipta still forgive you by giving the opportunity

to the time for you guys, you should be aware of and take advantage of the opportunity to atone for your mistakes but why are you guys still don't realize or acknowledge that it is your fault since 2 the first human in down to now.....................................

After thrown far enough to the top of Sang Kehidupan of the catch by holding the neck Arif, the two of them walked above the clouds up to the edge of the black clouds and dwell in front of the cloud.

"sit down bondsmen will witness all the things that have happened in stages," Arif follow his words to avoid mistakes.

The black cloud of the clot and open the incident gradually and following the incident.

The first beginning of the creation of man, and slowly they made a mistake and then down into Arda(earth).

Both of them separate in different places, the condition of Arda that Time it was not possible, their journey began.

The third sound impossible for a man to walk due to the presence of a sea of blocking, but at that Time the entire continent fused without any hitch whatever, and the Time that becomes a hindrance to them.

"how according to pakanira after seeing this all"

"I think this is all just a big misunderstanding because the man has proven will inevitably make mistakes"

"that's according to pakanira(you)"

"yes, if only human not a form of perfection is definitely not going to happen"

"open it as sahih, humans can do many things"

(sahih : wrong that becomes right or right that becomes wrong.)

"no, because the perfection of it that makes the human being not perfect"

Hear the words of the Wise the life throws Arif to the top and cut slowly precede Arif.

Then wait for Arif, and catch Arif the life was brought Arif runs in the top of the cloud leads to cloud twilight.

And ask Arif to sit while staring at the footage of the cycle.

there appeared a human who wakes up in the morning is go to the forest, then cut the stem wood is last up the pieces 5 he stop it and go back home and then sell the wood.

The next day he did the same thing to the remaining few trees in the village, and Sang Kehidupan shows the destiny create a disaster for the person that makes it buried in the trunk of the tree and die.

"according to pakanira whether things to do in destiny that's a mistake" (Pakanira = you :

2nd degree modesty)

"he's killing people, it's obvious he made a mistake" said Arif with a sense of annoyed.

Sang Kehidupan was smiling and replay with eliminate of destiny, when a the cut all trees that are in there.

The rain was sudden the ground starts to become dirty and muddy slowly the ground began to huff and landslides ensued, overabundance of the river began to rise flash floods also killed one of the village.

The life was stopping the show and ask Arif

"if this is who should be responsible for, is that the wood-cutters, or destiny"

Arif was confusion to say, the life of the said

"all that is done by us the the already be the best option, so if you feel not received with options that we provide require not make a choice you own"

The life play back such impressions, that killed the wood cutter, the villagers find him and bury him.

A few days later when the floods arrive, the water overflow is successfully absorbed by the trees and slowly water began to recede that just hit most citizens.

Arif who saw the incident to apologize because feel know yourself, and regretted his actions.

Sang Kehidupan of any throw Arif to the top and cut slowly precede Arif.

Then wait for Arif, to catch him, the life was brought Arif runs in the top of the cloud leads to a black cloud.

While running the his life asked "what is your impression of seeing thousands of souls asked you for help when in Alam Baka"

Arif was surprised to hear the speech of his Sang Kehidupan to know that Arif had been in Alam Baka.

"fear and pity"

"then while in the Portal, whether pakanira met with Sountor"

"yes, I think I want to eat him"

"if still alive will surely eat him"

"the meaning of life"

"pakanira already died"

Suddenly Arif remember when S3 stabbing the sword into the chest Arif.

"he's definitely the difficulty of the exam with Sang Kehidupan"

"why" asked the S3

"you forget, he's already dead, when you stab with my sword"

"open you turn on the"

"where I might, I just gave him the pain barrier"

"woe to him" said S3.

"deserved, Sountor not eat me"

"the origin of the pakanira know people would not allow to death"

"so why do I have to do this exam"

"people will give a chance that by turning on the pakanira own"


[ ~ Name : Sang Kehidupan ~ ]

{ ~ Age : N\A ~ }

{ ~ Status : being ~ }

{ ~ The power : turn on ~ }

{ ~ task : selecting who is not worth living ~ }


walk in the clouds leads to a black cloud, once there the life ask Arif to sit, snippets of the pieces of any life in the show.

But in the view by Arif only emptiness.

"why does not appear yes," said Arif

"because you're the one that will be on view"

Place of Arif sitting was slowly thinning and Arif was dropped to the bottom.

Aaaaaaarrrghhhhhhh!!!!! Cried Arif in the middle of the air, and then came an idea to use the Time and slow down the fall of his Wise but due to the lack of knowledge about the Time, Arif was stuck to the currents of Time and thrown in the era of Vilan much more precisely after world war Alam to 2

when Nagisa was trying to find the whereabouts of the Mahaguru.

Sang Kehidupan are viewing Arif surprised

"pakanira can use the Time, attractive," said The life that awe will be action Wise, which complicates himself.

Arif was dropped oscillate and bound in the foliage, Arif was trying to get out of the bonds of such leaves and look at the circumstances surrounding the

"what happened why this place looks destroyed like this"

Arif was walking through the debris but the road to cross the river has closed the river flow bushy, Arif decided to use the elements wind and fly through the air.

From a distance Mahaguru saw Arif flying crosses, Arif else saw it too then approached him to ask about events that have happened in this place.

However Arif did not understand the language used by Mahaguru , but the Mahaguru realized that Arif is not derived from future now in view of the clothing and the wound of his chest, Mahaguru was using sign language gestures to ask Arif to go with him.

They both went to leave the venue, along their journey, they understand each other and can talk with sign language, Arif also explained what happened to him.

Mahaguru was the difficulty to understand the Arif who said that he came from the future and get carried away to the past, to be to the present.

To be continued....