[S2] Eps 31 : Lapis Lazuli

Of yore, when the determination of the position and duties of Elders Roh is present in the imaging creatures of the uns, while the Roh of the first elders of the Roh created, the elders of the Roh was very respectful of the other beings, the task given by Pencipta to the elders of the Roh is to keep all the cycles of the spirit gradually, from ruth – rukh and rouh, elders, the Roh was responsible in his duties, as Time passes, and the more the number of uns, the elders of the Roh the difficulty of managing such a task, and ask the Roh of the options to be of assistance in managing the All Roh,

Actually the story of the first hell is very similar to the Roof the Wind, but the journey taken by the Spirit of the Water a little bit different, and this is the true story.

Evening came back toMahaguru to the island, he caught the Layer bending in the sky, suddenly the island shook for a moment.

And came to the island on the border of the ocean unseen by the ocean Donya.

Actually this is impossible, do the teleportation of the island with ease, although tMahaguru has a greatness that's great, but it's still impossible, but how can perpindahan (displacement) it can be done.

Before the time of Mahaguru to commemorate the King of the ocean about one of his students who will create problems in the oceans, Mahaguru work together with the King of the seas to

bring together the position of Atlantis with the island, the reason the King of the Seas to cooperate is to catch the trouble maker, but why Mahaguru even let Nagisa get caught, because that's the plan to liberate a soul which is imprisoned, and must make himself be in jail same with the Roh.

The waves of the mighty cast Nagisa a result of such shocks, Nagisa was asleep in the Water he was trying to reach the shore.

"how about now" said Mahaguru, pulling Nagisa into the coast

"what?" said Nagisa.

"go save the Roh of the"

"I don't give a break"

"eat this" give a grain of pearl.

"for what"

"in order to survive under the sea" suddenly Nagisa fell down and unconscious, Mahaguru also threw Nagisa to the middle of the sea, and then do the pull down, to make Nagisa sank to the bottom of the sea.

Slowly Nagisa tried to open his eyes, he saw the figure of a mermaid saved him and treat it, in his home.

Suddenly there was a banging of the door of grandpa's house mermaid the.

The human forces the fish to enter by force then take Nagisa, and submit to the King of the Seas.

"direct input jail him!" said the King of the Seas, with the drag force Nagisa in throw in prison under the sea, in the take area around the surrounded by wild animals such as sharks and bears of the sea.

Nagisa was relieved and surprised that he was in prison.

"why do I have to do this" with a tired leaning on the iron bars mossy.

"why is there a man like you in here" said a glimmer of light in the confined to multi-layered.

"who, hello, talk to me"

"if it is like that yes, a creature most abject"

"come out if you dare, don't hide"

"are you really blind, or really blind" light is also flickering

"you do the talking"

"conscious also you"

"what are you"

"answer my question first before"

"I don't know how to get here, all I know is I'm thrown into the sea to search for the Roh of Water.

"I'm what you're looking for"

"what's your name"

"Lapis.. Lapis Lazuli"

"that's good, my mission is completed now"

"for what you're looking for me"

"I don't know, later on the beach I explain."

"how are we outside"

"oh yes, how yes"

"I will still wait, you find a way"

2 days have passed without food, Nagisa began to annoyed waiting.

"until when are we waiting for"

"I'm waiting, you're looking for a way to escape, what man is that stupid huh"

"why didn't you say" easily Nagisa walked through the iron bars mossy the.

"how can you"

"I'm the elemental of water"

When Nagisa difficulty to destroy the barrier in the tie to the Plywood, he would destroy it easily, the alarm was sounded dozens of troops moving towards to where the sound came from.

Camera the snail continues to lurk them "why were you vague, will certainly tertemukan back to me" said the King of the Sea staring at the monitor.

There came troops carry the spear in the coat of poison, and then attack us, Nagisa was using tapakkan to stay away from the troops, they ran around the carcass of the ship.

But a squad of troops managed to find the two of them were surrounded, as they swung the spear Nagisa looked down and pushed the man the fish, then take the spear, and stabbed right into the officer, but another swing came from the back, the Plywood was transformed into a human and then forming a bubble to protect Nagisa, he also advanced by changing the flow of water into the wings, then separate the wing feathers of the water and attack him, they were both mutually restrain each other.

"what if we break through," said Lapis

"it may also" Lapis change form its wings into a whip of water, then slashing the opponent that stands in his way while moving forward, Nagisa was imitating the techniques of Ply and managed to make the whip, he had to tuck his whip into 2 moves forward while whipping left and right rear, for their defense, once outside the ship, the King of the Seas was waiting for them.

Lapis fell to see a trident, he also seemed to remember something from the trident the.

Nagisa also makes the stormy seas and bring the Lapis jump to in the storm, the breakout was successful in doing, but the King of the Sea will surely find them, when the storm subsides.

After quite a distance the storm was gone Nagisa was swimming into the sea to avoid the search of the King of the Oceans.

To a depth impossible for man, Nagisa was laid Lapis under the stack of algae.

While circling around with the darkness of the steep vision making Nagisa interrupted, he saw the gleam of light, when he caught the glow, Nagisa is shocked and throws the fish.

Lapis woke up and difficulty to see, he also make his body luminous, Nagisa was surprised when holding the hand of a human fish of the sea bottom.

They were both lying down under the algae, but Nagisa feel suspicious, because the algae that they occupied constantly vibrating.

Lapis also emit light itself is much brighter, and the wink of an eye of the sea monsters, making Nagisa panic, but to Lapis calm him down by making the right a wave of anti danger.

A few days later without food, they had difficulty to move, the light is owned by the Lapis starts to fade slowly.

Without came a blinding light and then transformed into a human and asked "why are there humans here"

"I'm not allowed to"

"what's your relationship with Mahaguru"

"I'm his apprentice" he smiled and then drove us to the coast.

We also met with Mahaguru, with cheerful Mahaguru chatting with creatures that I thought.

After the light is gone, Mahaguru ushered us into a shack and serves fruits, with gusto Nagisa eat it.

Mahaguru was talking both with the Layers, without my knowledge.

In the evening I asked Lapis about himself that could be imprisoned in the carcass of the ship.

As thousands of Roh of Water is created we have to maintain and help the council, but many Councils think we're useless, we were on the move to inhabit things that become elements of the Arda, which is Water.

We scattered in all corners of the Oceans, I was appointed into the leadership of the Roh of the Water, but the Sea move the position of a human fish to keep the sea, my position was replaced, however in the quite in there, the human fish, also steal valuable treasure of the City of Atlantis are magnificent and captivating and then use it to threaten the us, its citizens were many who did not agree and attempted to revolt, I was appointed as the leader of the rebellion, that war lasted for centuries, to make the City of Atlantis sunk due to the war not until in thence human the fish consuming the property of the city and then steal the symbol of our city, namely the trident, we had difficulty to survive and forced to submit under his control, I was in put away with ties eater uns, slowly my energy is reduced, and me transformed into my true self, and terpenjaralah I'm up to now.

"how long were you imprisoned"

"3344 year, maybe" come to Mahaguru told us to sleep first.

To be continued