[S2] Eps 39 : Remaining

Confusion and heat surrounded them, full of anxiety as they tried to get through the flames, but in every way they did not penetrate the flames.

Soon, Surya came along with his pupil.

"You are sure to test them that way" asked Surya, amazed to see them.

"why are they my students"

"Indeed, they are your students" Surya went with his student leaving Putra who was relaxing.

"Come on, everyone, follow me" excitedly they warmed up while looking at his student Putra, who was in panic burning.

"Come on, hurry, less than one round" After warming up, Surya students are given time to rest.

Surya goes over to Putra and says "it's been 2 hours you are sure you want to roast them"

"It's their fault, who told them to linger there," said Putra who didn't care.

"I hope your students soon realize what you mean"

"yes if they are smart," said Putra

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Name: danil

Age: 30th

Status: Participant

Maya: breaker

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Tired of waiting for the Son to approach them while seeing their condition, some of them lay helpless due to the heat.

The son turned off the fire and took them to a shady tree.

"I'm disappointed with you, didn't act at all, and much more willing to die, as long as you know Maya can never be used without the user's permission, if you continue like this you will trouble those who have turned you on."

"we don't know how to use Maya"

"yes that's your business, not my business, Skyjin once said, I can kill you if you don't want to live, so who doesn't want to live, quickly say, rather than wasting my time"

They were silent and reluctant to say.

The son, who was getting tired seeing their behavior, went over to Surya.

"I can kill them, right?" he said earnestly

"It's okay, but sure you are"

"yes, are you also going to do the same thing"

"I used my own way" said Surya with a smile

Putra returned to his disciple and said "run as far as you can, or attack while you can, or hold on while you are able, in 5 minutes I will see your determination, this is your life, you yourself determine" which starts from walking Putra also ran while bringing out the fire from his hand, one by one the flames were thrown at them, frantically they ran randomly.

Putra quickly jumped and shot them from above.

"You can see this is a bad example of disobeying a Guru" said Surya to his pupil.

Slowly the fire made half the field burnt, Putra easily scared them by making the fire follow them.

"aaahh !!" shouted one of them running

"Malay here fast" said Sania.

Suddenly Surya and Putra feel tension, Putra takes fire from his feet and moves quickly towards Surya.

"What did you do" asked Putra

"No, it looks like we have guests"

[the other side]

"It looks like the boy is trying to lure Maya out of the participants." Seeing an opportunity to trap him, Netolstill released the mad Jin into the field.

A small bat flew into the gate of the field and then changed its shape to a big one.

Flying quickly chasing his student Putra.

Putr'a, who only planned to provoke their fear, resulted in death.

Seeing a person who was hiding the bat approached him and then ate it.

Sania with Malay could not move seeing her friends eating.

Malay fell from the tree hearing the sound, the bat approached Malay with a terrible smile.

Sania saw that Malay was silent helplessly as soon as he got down from the tree.

Malay could not move her body because she remembered that she imagined the mistake of seeing her sister being eaten.

Sania also tried to pull Malay away from the bat.

But the bat changed into his younger brother and approached him, that's what Malay saw.

Sania also tried to get up from the fall caused by the bat attack, Putra quickly passed Sania to hit the kelewar.

Malay was brought to Sania and asked her to keep bleeding in her leg

Putra returned to the bat then opened his mouth and pulled the Malay leg and threw it, Putra's hand was eaten by the bat. "It was a mistake because he ate my hand." He took the fire out of his stump in the bat's mouth, and the bat caught fire. the explosion also made the entire field filled with disgusting liquid.

Surya also came with the medical team and Skyjin.

Malay was immediately taken to the hospital to reconnect his legs.

"Your hand is okay," said Surya with worry

"You can still move, that's good" said Skyjin

Putra also joined the medical team to the hospital to treat wounds.

"How many students are left, Putra" asked Skyjin to Surya.

"Judging from the numbers 2,3 and 4 are the same earlier"

"whose leg broke it"


"you take care of the students back"

"ready, leave it to me"

Surya also called his student Putra to gather and escorted him back to the dormitory.

"You guys just rest, about Putra's condition tomorrow I will tell you" the sun came out leaving them, but Sania followed the sun.

"What do you need," said Surya

Sania came out from behind the bush

"I beg sis Surya, please take me to the hospital"

"Are you ill"

"no, I want to meet him"

"Take it easy, tomorrow your friend must be cured, the technology here is very sophisticated" with enthusiasm and a smile.

"I want to meet Brother Putra"

"He doesn't like it when someone visits him"

"it's okay, as long as you can see it"

"he is not bad at teaching, why should you care"

"he's my brother, maybe"

Seeing Sania who was teary-eyed from the sun, she led Sania to the hospital "just for a little while, so you can rest"

"yes bro, thank you"

[the other side]

Skyjin is replaying the events that happened on the field.

"where did that creature come from" while pressing the backward button.

"This is it .. it is .." with a start to see Netolstill's figure

Skyjin immediately reported to Prejin about the mastermind behind the incident.

"What did he do that for"

"I'm sorry, sir, maybe he is jealous of the Undead program"

"strengthen security and find him" said Prejin

[the other side]

After meeting Putra, Surya brought Sania back to the dormitory.

Arriving at the dormitory Sania immediately went to her bed, she thought about what Putra meant.

The next day Surya was called by Skyjin

"Putr'a pupil I leave it to you"

"ready, have you met who caused the mess yesterday?"

"One of the Demon, under investigation now" Surya went to Sania's dormitory and invited his disciple Putra for joint training.


sorry yesterday I forgot to upload, so for the Stars Devils Series I upload every Saturday and sunday, and for Stream Velt every Monday and Tuesday, and for the Dunia Fantasy every Thursday.