[S2] Eps 44 : Reaction Part 2

In the previous eps, Sania and Lisa were taken to the dormitory to rest, meanwhile Netolstill redesigned its plan, not enough, here another problem arises, namely the 3rd extinction carrier will be coming soon, but between the stories it is shown that Shophia is still alive and in prison but problems This is only a part of the fate of the humans who are being targeted by the 3rd extinction bearer, Vilan is still adamant that he believes that Nagisa is able to save this world even if he has to repeatedly.

Suddenly I was surprised to see my sister was eaten by the five-eyed creature I immediately ran back but the creature saw me, and chased me, I ran fast while crying to see my sister was eaten by the creature, because in a hurry I tripped over the tree roots and fell, the creature stared with empty eyes, then pulled my hair.

And biting my neck also licking my face, from a distance a man came up to me with the rest of my strength, I held the creature's legs while saying "run .." I was unconscious because I lost a lot of blood, the man left my corpse and chased the creature.

"Aah ~, you're stupid," said the old man who was sitting floating.

"what do you mean" asked Malay who was sitting staring at the incident

"why are you so stupid already knowing you can run away, instead holding Jingila leg, why don't you think that you are in danger"

"Because my mind is confused, my sister is eaten, and I don't want to see this man, also be eaten" said Malay angrily.

"and now how did your parents see it"

"that .. I do not know" sat pensive

"Why don't you think about the fate of your parents, leaving 2 children behind, just like that, so I'm lazy, now, never mind! Now what do you want" asked the old man who was sitting hovering, while jerking his stick to the surface.

"I don't ... where now"

"ha .. you just worry now, this is your test"

"Then what should I do?"

"Usually I return you to the illusion of previous memories after it's up to you, but because I'm bored I don't know"

Far away in the monitor room Surya asked Skyjin "what is Putra doing"

"we'll see, this exam depends on him"

Malay woke up and was confused to see some of the participants peeling off his body and the sun picked him up and took him to the dormitory.

Arriving at the dormitory Sania immediately hugged him.

Lisa leaning against the door asking about her exam.

"I was scolded by an old man who could fly."

"You do not put into the memory of death" says Sania

"why are you different" said Lisa suspiciously

"I don't know but the man said I would regret it if I managed to live again"

Hearing his words, Lisa also asked Malay to take a shower and rest

"Looks like Malay is really depressed" said Sania, who was folding her clothes.

"He's hiding something" said Lisa.

At night Malay who was lying on his bed recalls what the old man said.

"I suggest you die, don't live, someday you will regret it, what does that mean huah ... just sleep" Malay hugged her bolster and fell asleep.

Meanwhile in Naraka in front of the back where the residents live in peace, that's how they say.

In the middle of a shopping center, saw the creature, looking to buy something from the merchant, at the time of payment, the creature is paying the price of the goods, and go, a few minutes later, the merchant realized that the merchandise is reduced, is not permitted.

The buyer laughed while eating the 5 items he bought for 1 item.

He went into the place remains, which is where every house adjacent to each other and piled up, let's say, like flats.

When she walked in the street, he saw a boy, stealing a basket, and pursued by the owner, he jumped from the roof of the house, to the roof of the house, do not stop there, the basket stolen by the boy another, and went to the floor bottom, and hid, and a grandfather hit it, and stole it, and left, when the old man climbed the stairs, the leg of the old man was pulled, and stolen by the young woman, the early boy, who saw it, jumped on the woman, and stole it back. I can only laugh up the stairs, while stepping on the old man, who is lying on the stairs.

I also went into one of the empty hamlet houses and took the elevator to the top floor and jumped on to the roof of the house, until I arrived, to the bell tower, which is used as a time indicator, on top of the bell tower, I sat in silence while waiting .

"It seems like there is no end to their action," said a demon with a human form covered by a cloak. He also took off his robe by throwing it and it was carried away by the wind, the man changed to his original demon form and sat beside me.

"yes that's how it is Naraka" I said while offering the item I had bought, we chatted together until the bell rang.

"Still working with them you" asked brand

"still why" I asked

"It's okay, it's just that they're never clear."

"Just yesterday we managed to get humans but were saved"

"real human" asked brand

"Depleted in use by jin"

"Oh, I thought genuine, alright, I'll be going syac" The brand left.

After the conversation, I immediately got down and returned to Netolstill's headquarters.

"Where are you" asked Netolstill

"buy a snack then meet friends"

Seen a middle-aged man looking after a pet store belonging to his boss he was doing activities that normally feed the animals also cleans the store.

The next day at night when he was asked to shut down the pet store visibility of a beggar asking for donations to bahri, bahri gave him a little money and left.

The next day in the morning when he opened the pet shop he met a garbage collector and as usual Bahri greeted him, after that tidied up the place for the animals while feeding, the boss arrived and went to his room, he went outside to find eat, because he left early in the morning before breakfast.

On his way he met a policeman who was on duty and greeted each other, when he got to the shop he ordered food, but the owner of the shop was busy cleaning up trash last night, Bahri asked permission to cook his own food, after eating he went to the minimarket to buy drinks as he walked toward the pet store where he works, his busyness became a habit for him, until four months later, when he closed the shop he did not see beggars asking for the he thinks positively and returned home the next day he did not meet with the garbage collectors were also policemen stall was closed when he went to the minimarket and buy a drink he did not see the guard cashier he put money in front of the counter and went to the pet shop

until noon too, the boss of the pet shop owner

did not come, because he was worried he contacted her,

but there is no answer,

he continued to work until evening.

When he wanted to go home he did not see a single vehicle passing by, in his mind he thought this was impossible because the place where he worked was the main road, it was impossible that there were no vehicles at all.

When he got home he was asleep.

The next day when he opened the window he saw no one go by.

Because panic bahri went to the garage and take the car.
